Black people still face unfair, deliberate hurdles to exercising their freedom to vote. 

Fair Fight Action. This month, Fair Fight Action is reflecting on the struggle for voting rights throughout Black history. Keep reading to learn more.A brief history lesson. For hundreds of years, Black people have been systematically excluded from the voting process by white lawmakers, in a successful effort to suppress their fundamental rights. Courageous Black activists fought to gain the right to vote and the basic human freedoms that are intrinsically tied to it. From the end of slavery until the 1960s, Jim Crow laws were brutally enforced to segregate Black people — denying the right to vote, hold jobs, access education, and more. In 1965, the Voting Rights Act enshrined Black voting rights into law on the surface.The status of voting rights today. The historic Jim Crow-era barriers to voting did not automatically come crashing down with the passage of the Voting Rights Act. Previously there were “poll taxes,” and now we see restrictive voter ID laws. Previously there were “literacy tests,” and now we see voters’ registration purged. Previously there were “white primaries,” and now we see polling locations close down in primarily Black neighborhoods. Black people still face unfair, deliberate hurdles to exercising their freedom to vote.What Fair Fight Action is doing about it. Fair Fight Action is committed to combating Jim Crow 2.0 — the systemic barriers that limit Black people from voting freely. We’re committed to stopping the voter suppression bills that anti-democratic, extremist politicians continue to impose on voters of color. This Black History Month and every month, we’re deeply committed to starting a new chapter in our history and protecting our sacred right to vote.In honor of Black History Month, will you chip in today to power Fair Fight Action’s mission to empower and protect the voting rights of Black Americans? Donate today. Thank you for your support! The Fair Fight Action Team