[[link removed]]In one of America’s national treasures stands ANCIENT RUINS -- rock engravings, old roads, and stone buildings. This is Chaco Canyon,
featuring homes of Pueblo and Navajo peoples that are over 1,000 years old. But
this region is being DESTROYED BY GREEDY CORPORATIONS WITH FRACKING AND OIL DRILLING! Take immediate action to protect this historic landmark!
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Imagine these ancient structures CRUMBLING TO THE GROUND as massive metallic rigs shake the Earth. Picture fossil fuel corporations
swarming the land to suck oil and gas out of the ground only to burn it and send toxic pollutants
into the air. This is the nightmare we face.
Fossil fuel corporations have already claimed more than 90% of public lands in
the Greater Chaco Region, but YOUR ACTION could PROTECT Chaco Canyon from greedy companies and help preserve
its ancient history. President Biden has suggested he wants to protect Chaco Canyon, but we need
YOUR HELP to seal the deal! Please, Friend, stand up to
these greedy corporations and add your name by 11:59pm TONIGHT!
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Sign the petition
[[link removed]]Chaco Canyon holds World Heritage Site status due to its great cultural
significance to Indigenous communities. But that hasn’t stopped greedy corporations from stripping the land of its
resources for their own profit, despite their RECORD PROFITS in the BILLIONS!
If fracking is allowed in Chaco Canyon, the land and local communities will be
ravaged by earthquakes, water contamination, and air pollution. President Biden can give Chaco Canyon the same protections we give to our
national parks, preserving the ancient ruins, cultural and historical
significance, and precious public lands. But we’re RUNNING OUT OF TIME -- we need to push President Biden to make his
decision as soon as possible! We need 4,154 more people to tell the Biden Administration to STOP greedy
companies from DESTROYING Chaco Canyon. Please help now, Friend!
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Sign the petition
[[link removed]]Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Fossil Fuels and Lands Campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
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