here if this email is hard to read. If you no longer wish to
receive these emails, click here.
Friend --
We're about a month out from the official start of the District's
budget season. As a top item below, I'm sharing my letter to the Mayor
with several of my budget recommendations for Ward 6, the entire city,
and a few specific to the Committee on Transportation and the
Environment that I'm now chairing.
But I also want to thank and commend so
many people who rallied to Crazy Aunt Helen's this weekend.
Reports had surfaced that the Proud Boys, a hate group, would show up
to protest and harass folks attending a drag story hour for kids
hosted by the Barracks Row restaurant. The word went out and the
response was strong. Hundreds showed up. I had checked in with the
restaurant, MPD leaders, and other law enforcement agencies in advance
to make sure everyone was prepared to protect the community, taking
the risk seriously. They were great and MPD was on hand Saturday
morning. I stopped by Crazy Aunt Helen's with my successor Chair of
the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety Councilmember Brooke
Pinto to check in on the team as well. All I wish is that families and
our community can spend their Saturday mornings however they like in
peace. And I am thankful that when the call went out, people were
ready. That's the Ward 6 you and I both know and love.
Quick Links: Budget Letter | Public Safety | School
Budgets | Hands Off DC | Monthly Basic Income | Rumsey
Pool | Ward 6 Spy Museum | WMATA | Eastern Market
150 | Constituent Services in the
Community | Great Ward 6 Spring Clean |
Ward 6 Budget Letter
This week, I transmitted
a letter to Mayor Bowser laying out several recommendations for
next year's budget. Currently, the Mayor and her team are preparing
her submission to the Council, which will kick off the next phase of
the budget process in just about a month. Here's a few of the key
priority areas for me headed into our next budget, which needs to
continue to push the District's recovery in a fair, equitable, and
prosperous direction. This letter includes recommendations on citywide
issues, Ward 6 issues, and issues specific to the Committee on
Transportation and the Environment. I've focused many of my citywide
issues around reaching our young people at a time when too many are
falling through the cracks:
Investing in Our Youth
Schools + Education
Increase the Per-Pupil Student Funding and At-Risk
Funding: Right off the bat, too many Ward 6 schools are
looking at cuts to their budgets. We shouldn't be cutting school
budgets at a time when enrollment is increasing.
Funding Flexible Scheduling, Teacher Wellness, and Grow Your
Own Pipeline: Our teachers and educators are tired and burnt
out. These ideas are several ways to invest in keeping our educators
in the classroom as well as ready the next generation. We need to
create a robust pipeline for DC residents to become teachers, social
workers, and educators for a career serving their city.
Expanded Out of School Time Funding: Most schools
have dismissal in the early afternoon, but many parents and caretakers
might be working still. Ensuring your child is safe and still in a
good environment is crucial. Additionally, I've asked that DC
government absorb security costs for these grants to ensure when we
award funding to an organization to provide this critical service, we
aren't then taking a chunk of those funds right back into the city's
account and out the very programs we want to reach our kids.
Transforming Our Rec Centers
I introduced a bill earlier this month to open DPR Rec Center's on
weekends to ensure young people (and all residents) have a place to go
on the weekend and enjoy themselves. But expanding hours isn't enough.
We need to think about rec centers the same way we think about our
libraries. I included some specific rec center requests (noted below),
but in general I want to see our rec centers move away from fees for
programming and improving staffing at rec centers in general.
Investing in a Fully Funded Public Safety
Over the past few budgets, the District has dramatically scaled up
our investments in every aspect of public safety, including MPD as
well as growing our violence prevention and interruption work from
nascent efforts into professionalized agencies. As far too many
District neighbors continue to be concerned about their safety, we
need to keep making these investments - it takes a both / and approach
to reach immediate and long-term sustained reductions in violent
Ward 6 Priorities
To save space in this newsletter, I'm just running through a list
of Ward 6 projects. Click
here to read through them with a little more detail.
- A New Recreation Center for Hill East, Re-Open Randall Rec Center
(and add Pickelball Courts), Invest in Greenleaf Rec Center
- Fund the Penn + Potomac Ave Intersection Project
- Maximize the Renovation at Rumsey Pool to Create a New Ward 6
Senior Wellness Center
- Close the Inflation Funding Gap for Southeast Library
- A New Community Center or Rec Center in the Northwest One
- Maintain (Or Speed Up) School Modernizations for Amidon-Bowen,
Brent, JO Wilson, Ludlow-Taylor, Miner, and Tyler
- Fund the Garfield Park Connector Construction (and Add Pickleball
- Explore Ways to Improve Pick-Up and Drop-Off in Mt. Vernon
Triangle to Improve Travel
Committee on Transportation and the Environment
Similarly, these requests are quite long and if
you'd like to read the specifics, click here.
- Protect Existing Funding for Fare-free Metrobus Service, Expanded
Overnight Service, the Bus Improvement Fund
- Fund the $100 Monthly SmarTrip Balance for All
- Fund Remaining Parts of the Vision Zero Omnibus Law Passed in
2020, the Safe Streets for Students Act, and the Safer Streets
Amendment Act, and Make Permanent Improvements At Temporary Safety
- Pursue Climate Equity: Plan for Passage of the Healthy Homes and
Residential Electrification Act, Fund the Greener Government Buildings
- Create a Fund to Help Co-ops (a major source of high-quality,
affordable housing) With Technical and Financial Assistance to
Make Required Upgrades for Building Standards
If you didn't see a priority on this list or in the letter that you
think needs to be there, don't worry! This list isn't exhaustive and
I'll be looking for your feedback when I hold my annual Ward 6 Budget
Town Hall in April. Details forthcoming.
Public Safety Update
1st District
Substation Will Not Be Changing
For about 72 hours, there was a great
deal of confusion about the future of MPD’s 1st District
Substation located at 5th and E Street SE. MPD was
apparently looking to restructure how they used the substation at the
beginning and ending of patrol shifts, but given the confusion and
questions that took hold quickly, it’s clear they did not communicate
to neighbors their plans in advance. I started hearing concerns from
neighbors and immediately reached out to our 1D Commander. I do not
support closing or reducing services at the 1D substation. Commander
Bryant has my complete confidence and she explained to me that they
had been looking to ensure that the substation would be staffed 24/7
and also assured me that there would be no reduction in patrols
serving the neighborhood. But the lack of coordination and
communication with the community understandably led to a lot of
questions and concern. After neighbor feedback, MPD decided to not
move forward with any changes to the substation and its operations.
The Hill Rag has a good
write-up if you’d like to check out more.
MPD Staffing Levels
There’s been a good deal of
conversation lately about MPD staffing levels overall. For many years,
attrition has been outpacing new hires of officers. It's something a
lot of police forces around the region are facing as well. It's also a
conversation that can come with heated rhetoric rather than detailed
and constructive conversation. At an MPD hearing this week, the Chief
and I dug into the numbers and had a good conversation about some of
the strategies that are working and what more can be done. As he
walked through the budget the Council has approved and number of hires
MPD has been able to make, he noted that they’ve been unable to hire
new officers to the level that the Council has approved noting “This
isn’t a budget issue.” I want to spend some time here to help take
some of the heat out of the discussion to let us be more clear-eyed in
pursuit of the solutions.
The Council has given MPD the funding
and authority to hire hundreds of new officers, but he noted MPD is
unable to hire the officer positions they've been funded for - a trend
that isn't unique to DC and that we see in departments across the
country and region (for example, WMATA's Metro Transit Police are down
25% in officer staffing, a force not overseen by the District). Last
year, MPD hired about 25 fewer officers than the budget supported. And
for this current year, while the Council budgeted for 347 new hires,
the Chief noted hiring is not on pace to hit that goal. These
headwinds are why I worked as former Chair of the Council's Judiciary
Committee to create strong incentives for both recruitment and
retention. It's always been about a both / and approach to public
safety. Let's run through a few specifics we covered:
- Last year, we worked together to
create a $20,000 signing bonus for new recruits. It’s one of the
largest in the region and while the Chief told us this week that has
resulted in a 24% increase in applicants, it has not dramatically
increased new hires. Chief Contee reiterated his commitment to
ensuring we aren't sacrificing on our standards for officers even as
the hiring environment becomes more challenging.
Over the last couple of years as Judiciary
Chair, I worked with MPD to grow DC's Cadet Program to 150 cadets per
year helping DC residents get an education and start a career track.
It's already a steady pipeline of new officers, and at this week's
hearing, the Chief told us that the Cadet program is going to create
the single largest pipeline of new officers coming into MPD moving
forward. That's good news as it
brings in DC residents into careers where currently only about 18%
live in DC.
- We’ve also added new housing
incentives that give new recruits six months of rent free housing in
DC when they start their job and provide a significant down payment
incentives for officers and first responders to buy a home in the
District. Officers tell me these are meaningful efforts we’ve made
that make a difference when they’re deciding where to apply for a job.
Digging in to see what’s working and what’s not, helps us see that the
city is funding the Department to recruit and retain officers, and
that we need to continue looking at other tools to help as
- And a couple of years ago, we
partnered to extend the Senior Police Office Program, which allows
officers who are retirement-eligible to stay on. It's been a great way
to keep both patrol and experienced detectives on the force until new
officers are ready for promotion.
I know there has been a lot of concern about MPD
staffing levels, and some misinformation. There is a separate ongoing
audit to assess just what the appropriate force size should be, which
the DC Auditor has been tasked with. If you really want to dig in, the
entire conversation was about 15 minutes. You can view the full
conversation with the Chief here.
Streamlining Gun Violence
Prevention Efforts
While we know MPD is a vital part of
public safety, we also know it's not the only part. That's why I was
glad to see the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement have a
new permanent director named. The Mayor appointed Linda Harlee Harper
to the role and she is a skilled and experienced leader working on gun
violence prevention in the District. I'm excited to work with her in
this new role. Many of you might be familiar because Linda is
currently serving as the Director of Gun Violence Prevention in the
City Administrator's office. This is a natural extension of her work
to centralize and get our solutions to gun violence out of silos and
into the same conversations.
Office of Unified
Communications Launches Junior Academy
The Office of Unified Communications -
the office that handles 911 and 311 calls - is branching out and
creating a new Junior Academy. To help grow a stronger pipeline of
future call-takers, dispatchers, and first responders, the Junior
Academy will be a free of cost, five week program for high school
students (age 14-17) that want to explore public safety communication
careers in the District. If you or someone you know is interested in
learning more, please complete this interest
Initial Budgets for Ward 6 Schools Won't Cut
Last week, the Mayor rolled out her initial DC Public Schools
budgets for next school year. These are the school-by-school level
budgets that are built separately from the overall city budget. To say
I'm disappointed would be an understatement. Most schools in Ward 6
are proposed to see a budget reduction - even schools that are showing
a growth in enrollment for next year. The good news is that these are
initial budgets and there is time to fix them, and I've already joined
many parents and educators in urging the Mayor to reverse these budget
cuts. We need to make sure our schools are funded with the increases
they need. Compounding the problem, the timing for these budget
releases are poorly planned out for DCPS school communities - they're
released as schools are out this past week and make it much harder for
LSATs to meet and get feedback. But many of us at the Council are
pushing on the Mayor and DCPS to repair these budgets make sure our
students get what they need. If you'd like to check out the proposed
budgets, you
can see them here.
Please note, since DCPS doesn't release all this information in one
place, parent volunteers (thanks to Betsy Wolf and others) have pulled
the data from hundreds of separate PDFs and compile
them into one spreadsheet here.
Hands Off DC: DC Leaders Unified Against Congressional
This week, all 13 members of the DC Council signed
a letter calling on the US Senate to keep their hands off of DC laws.
So did our new Attorney
General Brian Schwalb. And Mayor
Bowser. As
I wrote ahead of the House of Representatives vote, these votes
have nothing to do with the substance of our laws and everything to do
with scoring cheap political points in elections to come.
Related: Our friends and long-time DC
Statehood advocates over at Neighbors United for DC Statehood have a
petition circulating inviting DC residents to speak out. Add
your name and pass along to your community!
Related, Pt 2.: I know I said it's not
about the substance of the bills (because it isn't). But if you do
want to understand the Revised Criminal Code Act and why its so
important, this Law360
article does a great job walking through the entire thing.
This Tax Year the District's Monthly Basic Income Begins
I'm really excited to share the District's Monthly Basic Income is
here. You might recall this was something I fought to create in the
city's budget in the summer of 2021. The idea is to create monthly
cash payments to very low-wage workers to help ensure they can make
ends meet. It's rather simple to enroll: all you have to do is
file your taxes. If you're eligible for the federal Earned
Income Tax Credit, you'll automatically be enrolled in this program.
This can be a challenge because not every low-wage worker files their
taxes because they don't owe money -- but that means they're leaving
money on the table.
Our Monthly Basic Income will scale up the
amount of support families receive in the coming years -- this year
will be the smallest as we slowly increase the dedicated funds. The
specific amount depends on both your income and the number of children
you have. But, the key takeaway is this: if you think you might be
eligible, or know someone who might be eligible, get your taxes filed
and apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit. I shared a little more
information on Instagram this week (image
from post).
from the Hill Rag.
Rumsey Pool Closed by DPR for Scheduled Maintenance Feb
25 - March 6
DPR has sent out an alert that the William H. Rumsey Pool
will be closed beginning Saturday, February 25th through Monday, March
6th for scheduled maintenance. I've already talked to several
residents rightfully frustrated that DPR only sent a notice out for a
closure that they are calling 'scheduled maintenance' with less than
48 hours notice. That's unacceptable and I've spoken with the DPR
Director about their need to communicate more clearly and with more
advance notice. Of course, it also highlights that we're working with
an old facility that desperately needs to be modernized. As you've
likely seen, I've worked to secure $15 million in the city's budget to
upgrade Rumsey and reimagine how this space can best serve the
community's needs. The planning process should get underway this year,
but any start to construction is likely more than a year

Ward 6 Night at the Spy Museum
I'm happy to share that we've worked with the Spy Museum to
set up a Ward 6 Night at the Spy Museum with free ticketed entry to
Ward 6 neighbors. Tickets are limited and I certainly can't guarantee
a ticket for everyone who is interested, but we will do a random
drawing for every ticket we can. RSVP
here if you'd like to be added to the drawing list by Monday, Feb
27. Please note: entering the RSVP does
not guarantee you a ticket due to limited supply!
Thawing the Relationship Between WMATA and Its Safety
You might remember in mid-January that tensions hit a fevered
pitch between WMATA and the independent Washington Metro Safety
Commission. There were competing press conferences and it wasn't good
for riders or where our Metrorail system needs to go. I've been
working with both leaders to hear their needs and help them hear each
other. I also used my first oversight hearing with WMATA and the
Safety Commission to improve the relationship between the two agencies
and focus on what we all need - safe, reliable, strong transit.
Because when they fight, riders are the ones who lose out. The
Washington Post has a good recap of the oversight
Community Meeting on Eastern Market 150
Did you know this year will mark the 150th anniversary of
Historic Eastern Market? Some great plans are in the works already to
celebrate throughout the year (the actual date will be November 12,
2023). Join me and folks who have been leading planning efforts for
how we celebrate this year on Tuesday, Feb 28 at 7 pm in the North
Hall to share your ideas on how many different ways we should try to
celebrate this incredible milestone. All are welcome!
Constituent Services in the Community
Over the past few weeks, my constituent services team has joined
walkthroughs at Potomac Gardens and H Street, have been involved in
ongoing community safety meetings in Northwest One, Southwest, and
near Barracks Row. These meetings are important ways we progress work
in very specific blocks. If you're holding a meeting or want to get
something started, don't hesitate to loop in my team - contact
Save The Date: The Great Ward 6 Spring Clean Returns on April
 Happy to share that we've locked in the date for
our second annual Ward 6 Great Spring Clean. It'll be on Saturday,
April 1 (that's not a joke!). If you recall from last year, neighbors
across Ward 6 stepped outside to clean up their streets and alleys or
headed to one of five parks to help beautify. We're looking for
volunteers who are interested in helping us expand the effort this
year, including recruiting businesses who might want to get involved.
Reply to this email and let me know if you're interested!
Two Free Tickets to Wizards vs Atlanta Hawks
We've had a lot of fun getting Ward 6 residents to Wizards and
Caps games, so let's keep going. Reply to this email if you're
interested in two tickets to see the Wizards play the Atlanta Hawks on
March 8. As usual, I'll select someone from random and notify
Charles Allen