Mike Bloomberg 2020

While our roads, bridges, and airports have crumbled, one infrastructure project has been getting plenty of money and support:

The border wall.

We've wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on a political stunt meant to divide us, when we could be investing in fixing the roads and bridges that connect us -- and in American workers who help us get there. That's exactly what Mike's new plan does.

Mike's plan will actually bring America's infrastructure into the 21st century and create millions of high-quality, high-paying jobs.

Share Mike's new infrastructure plan with your friends and family on Facebook right now.

Smarter, Faster, Safer, Greener

Mike's community-driven plan will transform the way we build in America. It focuses on fixing the infrastructure we currently have, like filling potholes, updating our electrical grid, and converting to green energy. And Mike will give mayors and other local leaders the authority and resources to take on the most important projects -- and complete them, on-time and on-budget.

President Trump pledged that he would invest billions in infrastructure -- but it was all talk and no action. Mike will deliver on this plan to build an infrastructure for the 21st century.

If you support real action on infrastructure, share Mike's infrastructure plan with your friends and family on Facebook right now.


Team Bloomberg 2020

Paid for by Mike Bloomberg 2020

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