URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Cruise ships and oil tankers are DECIMATING the Arctic and pushing polar bears closer to EXTINCTION!
Polar bears are often used as the poster animal to show the negative impacts of the human-driven climate crisis because they have endured some of the worst consequences of global warming. In fact, the Arctic is warming TWICE AS FAST as the rest of the world, and some experts worry the region could be completely ice-free as soon as 2054!
If that happens, polar bears won’t stand a chance. This vulnerable species is already clinging to survival, suffering from malnutrition, starvation, and habitat loss. Meanwhile, giant cruise ships and oil tankers continue to bring MASSIVE amounts of toxic pollutants into the fragile region -- and it’s making it even harder for polar bears to survive.
Carnival Cruise alone has carried over 11,000 tons of toxic dirty fuel oil into the Arctic. Friend, we can’t just let greedy corporations continue to EXPLOIT our planet for profit and push precious animals like polar bears to EXTINCTION. With every second that passes, this icy region is rapidly melting away. Will you take action now to PROTECT the Arctic and SAVE polar bears before it’s too late?
Corporate cruise ships and oil tankers not only bring TONS of heavy dirty fuel into the Arctic that increases the risk of oil spills but these enormous vessels also release harmful climate-warming emissions.
The noise pollution disturbs marine mammals, the entire ocean ecosystem, and drives fish and other critical food sources away -- leaving polar bears hungry and weak and threatening local communities who depend on a healthy marine ecosystem.
And what’s worse is that the toxic chemicals dumped in the water by these corporate ships are even ending up in the food chain -- which puts polar bears AND people in danger of being POISONED!
Will you sit back while greedy corporations continue to assault the Earth for financial gain, Friend -- or will you fight back right now? Please add your name to STOP Big Cruise and Big Oil from destroying the Arctic while there’s still time left.
Thanks for protecting polar bears and the Arctic,
Friends of the Earth