Team —
Here’s the situation: Susie Lee is fighting to keep Nevada’s most competitive congressional district out of the GOP’s hands. They’ve spent over $20,000,000 attacking her since 2018 and they aren’t showing signs of slowing down.
Here’s the problem: Susie has set a goal of raising $12,000 before our end-of-month deadline in three days and we are only 47% of the way there. We have no choice but to double down on our efforts to keep NV-03 blue.
Here’s the solution: We need every single grassroots supporter to step up and chip in. If everyone who opens this email chipped in $10, we’d fly past our goal in no time.
Please chip in to help Susie Lee’s grassroots movement make waves in February by reaching our end-of-month goal!
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Thank you,
Team Susie Lee