February Chapter Mtg

🎉Celebrate the I-135 Social Housing for All Win!


Big Business & US Supreme Court: Hands off our Right to Strike!💪

Seattle DSA February Chapter Meeting

This Tuesday, Feb. 28 7pm

In-person at Southside Commons

(3518 S Edmunds St, Seattle, WA 98118)

Online option too!

Please RSVP


Right to Strike Special Guest Speakers: 

  • Ben Berger, one of the attorneys representing Seattle Teamsters Local 174 before the US Supreme Court in the historic Glacier case
  • Jonathan Rosenblum, longtime union organizer and member of the National Writers Union.

Corporations, aided by the US government, are mounting their most vicious assault on our right to strike in decades, demanding that the US Supreme Court allow employers to sue unions for economic damages (read, loss in profits) resulting from strikes. Come hear what this means for the labor movement and how we can fight it.

🎤We’ll also hear from Sydney from the Housing Justice Working Group on the victory in passing I-135, Seattle DSA’s role, and next steps in the fight for Social Housing for all. 

🆕 Additionally, our newly hired Communications Organizer, Ty M., will present a New Media Project proposal from the Media Working Group. (You can find the proposal in Seattle DSA’s Slack channel “Announcements”) We'll have an initial 30 min discussion on this proposal and have a poll on the name. Then we'll aim to bring the proposal to a vote at the March 25th Annual Convention of Seattle DSA.


📣Looking to get involved in Seattle DSA? Fill out this form and someone will get in touch with ways you can get involved. Even if you’re already plugged in, please fill it out -- we’ll get in touch if there’s important jobs that require your unique skills. Thanks!


Raise the Wage Renton Tabling – 

The Landing 

This Sunday, Feb. 26, 2:30-4:30pm

Please RSVP


Raise the Wage Renton Tabling – Renton Highlands Library 

This Monday, Feb 27 11-1pm

Please RSVP

 (not required, but encouraged so we have a sense of how many volunteers to expect)




In 2014 under pressure from a movement led by socialists and the local labor movement, Seattle City Council passed the $15 minimum wage - the first major city to do so.  This set off a prairie fire of other minimum wage struggles, most recently in Tukwila.  It’s been estimated that the 2014 Seattle minimum wage victory will transfer $2.5 billion over ten years from some of the biggest corporations in the world to 100,000 workers, disproportionately people of color, women, LGBTQ, and Black people. 


We have an opportunity to strike a blow against the billionaire class through a grassroots movement of working people and youth that can win a higher wage in Renton.  First and foremost we need to help gather the 10K+ signatures to qualify for the ballot.  This will take resources.


Will you kick down $25, $50, $100 for Seattle DSA to support the grassroots movements for a higher minimum wage in Renton?  


The low wage, no benefit corporations that dominate Renton will fight tooth and nail to prevent any attempt to stymie their ceaseless flow of profits.  They will spare no amount of money to defeat our movement.  


In October our chapter voted to hire two part-time staff members – a major milestone for Seattle DSA.  This month, Guillermo Zazueta began work as our new Campaign Organizer and Ty Moore stepped in as our new Communications Organizer. The two staff will help activate our 1,500 members, build in South King County, and ramp up our chapter’s communications and media. 


With its multi-racial working class, the need for socialists to root our movement in South King County is clear. Raise the Wage Tukwila winning by 82% showed there is an opening, and we’ve established points of support during the Gallardo campaign. 


But to build DSA in South King County will take serious resources.  


Please chip in $25, $50, $100 to strike a blow against the billionaire class!