This is a critical moment in Josh Hawley’s fight for America’s future.
Our end of month deadline is just three days away, and right now, we’re still
not on track to meet our goal.
We're not giving up yet, John, so we're pulling out all the stops: and that
starts with YOU.
Right now, we’re activating a 5X MATCH for our top 250 patriots, and YOU made
the cut.
Pitch in now and activate your 5X MATCH to help Team Hawley meet our critical
end of month goal! <[link removed]>
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CHIP IN $100
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John, patriots like us are the only thing standing between the socialist
Democrats and America’s destruction.
We are the barrier between good and bad, and every day they hold the Senate
majority, the radical Left gets closer and closer to rewriting America’s
history and bringing us into the woke darkness for good.
With you on our team we CAN win - we just need you to act quickly!!
Activate your 5X MATCH NOW and help us meet our deadline to DEFEND AMERICA
from the radical Left. <[link removed]>
Thank you,
Team Hawley
Paid for by Josh Hawley Victory Committee
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