Let’s talk about the economic risks of climate upheaval

Whitehouse for Senate


Five years ago, I sent my Senate colleagues a binder that compiled some of the most compelling economic warnings associated with climate change. A couple weeks ago, I sent an updated version – it was three times as big.

The warnings keep piling up. And they’re piling up from our country’s most credible economists, scientists, business leaders, and bankers, all of whom agree that the sooner we act to reduce emissions, the lower our economic costs and risks will be.

If we don’t do what it takes now to protect our planet from the devastating effects of climate change, our economy will suffer the consequences. Will you support my work to prevent economic disaster by chipping in just $5 before Tuesday’s end-of-month deadline?

Climate change-related natural disasters are already upending lives and draining taxpayer dollars. The country’s leading experts have made it clear: crashes in coastal property values, insurance collapse from more frequent and intense wildfires, and inflation from decreased crop yields are on the horizon. If we don’t take action, it’s only a matter of time before these disasters cascade out into the broader economy.

I'm doing everything I can to take on the fossil fuel industry and lower the carbon emissions driving the planet to the brink. So I’m personally asking: Will you make a contribution to my campaign right now to support that work to protect our planet and our economy?

Thank you,

Sheldon Whitehouse







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