Dear John,

Impeachment is a hoax. It’s a waste of time. It’s another example of the far-left socialist Democrats unwillingness to accept the outcome of the 2016 election.

Impeachment is an embarrassment to our country and demonstrates that Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, “The Squad” and the other Democrats will stop at nothing to stymie the progress President Trump is making for the American people.

While the Democrats are fighting for facetime on CNN or MSNBC, President Trump and the Republicans are fighting FOR YOU!

Think about it. The Democrats have done nothing, but are obsessed with their impeachment hoax because President Trump is delivering results for all Americans. And he will do even more when we REELECT President Trump and flip the House back to the GOP!

The United States is on a roll under President Trump’s leadership:
  • Seven million new jobs
  • The largest tax cuts and reforms in history
  • Over 180 conservative judges to the federal bench, including two Supreme Court Justices
  • More Americans are working now than ever before
  • Over 2.4 million Americans are out of poverty
  • A stronger southern border with construction of The Wall
  • President Trump has acted to lower prescription drug costs, attack addiction, negotiate better trade deals and rebuild our military!
Make no mistake, this sham impeachment is an attempt by the Democrats to distract you from the positive work President Trump and his fellow Republicans are doing.

We can send a message to Pelosi, Schiff, Sanders, Warren and the other unhinged socialists in DC by sending Republican Reinforcements to Washington and building on the progress President Trump is making.

Thank you,
-Your Indiana Republican Party

Stop the Madness: Support President Trump!

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Indiana Republican State Committee, Inc. · 101 W. Ohio St., Suite 2200 · Indianapolis, IN 46204 · USA