We really want to hear your thoughts | As America's longest-standing civil rights organization, there's nothing the NRA cares about more than getting to know its supporters.
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As America’s longest-standing civil rights organization, there’s nothing the NRA cares about more than getting to know its supporters.

That’s why Wayne LaPierre recently sent you our exclusive Official Survey on Gun Registration. In order to best fight for the wants and needs of America’s gun owners, we need to know them on a personal level.
And that includes you, John.


Our hard-working team at the NRA is deeply committed to protecting the American people from radical gun-grabbers in the federal, state, and local governments. In order to best serve your needs, we need to hear your input.

Completing this important survey will only take a few minutes, but those few minutes will make a huge difference in the fight to save the Second Amendment. We made the personalized link below just for you, but it’s expiring soon.
Give us your input while you still can.

Click HERE to take the OFFICIAL SURVEY ON GUN REGISTRATION, so we’re best informed on how to defend your rights and freedoms. >>
the Official Gun Registration Survey >>

Thank you,

National Rifle Association Headquarters


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Wayne LaPierre
Subject: The NRA will always stand up for your rights

the Official Gun Registration Survey >>


The NRA is the ONLY organization standing in the way of widespread gun confiscation.

Gun controllers in Congress want to severely restrict or completely eliminate the right to keep and bear arms. And, it's no secret that we can’t trust most politicians in Washington to protect our Second Amendment rights when the going gets tough.

Our team is working tirelessly to protect the American people from the gun-grabbers in the government, but we can’t do it without your help. We rely on input from real firearm owners like YOU, John, which is why I am asking you to complete the Official Gun Registration Survey IMMEDIATELY.

Take the OFFICIAL GUN REGISTRATION SURVEY to tell the NRA how we can best protect your Second Amendment rights. >>

the Official Gun Registration Survey >>

John, filling out the Official Gun Registration Survey only takes a few minutes. It’s the best way to help the NRA protect your gun rights and stop government overreach.

Your personalized link to take the survey expires SOON. Our team is counting on you to answer the questions openly and honestly, John.

Use this personalized link to tell the NRA how we can best protect your right to keep and bear arms. >>

Thank you,

LaPierre Signature Headshot
Wayne LaPierre
CEO, National Rifle Association


Paid for by the National Rifle Association of America

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