This is how deprived The New York Times has become.
Instead of caring for the families in Ohio affected by the chemical spill, The New York Times is attacking conservatives who disagree with Biden.
They hate you more than they care about people in Ohio.
They would rather ban your way of life by taking away gas stoves than report on Biden’s atrocities.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Brent Bozell, and I’m the Founder and President of the Media Research Center (MRC).
MRC is the only conservative organization dedicated to exposing the radical left-wing agenda in the media and holding them accountable for their corruption and lies.
Our goal is to raise $10,000 this week to expose The New York Times and other corrupt media organizations.
Friend, will you send $10, $35, $50, or any amount to expose the true evil in media? Click here to send your support >>>
The New York Times will say anything that goes against Biden is “right-wing,” even caring for your fellow Americans.
People have every right to be critical of Biden’s poor handling of the situation. But The New York Times is attempting to change the narrative and make the people concerned about it out to be the bad guys.
The left-wing media lies to protect politicians ... and MRC exposes them.
On Tuesday, NewsBusters reported that the broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC had abandoned the environmental fallout from the February 3 train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.
On their flagship morning and evening shows, ABC covered it for 0 seconds, and CBS and NBC only covered it for 1 minute and 42 seconds after an evacuation order was lifted on February 8.
But since our study’s publication and public outcry about the threats posed to the community’s air, food, residents, and water supply, the liberal networks rediscovered the issue Wednesday morning.
They covered the story for a combined 6 minutes and 42 seconds.
MRC is keeping the pressure on the media to keep them from covering up Biden’s failures.
Your generous support helps MRC show Americans the truth about the media. Click here to send your gift today >>>
Media Research Center found the best way to expose the left-wing media.
When the MRC was founded in 1987, over 75% of Americans trusted the left-wing media… now, over 90% of Americans DO NOT trust the Fake News media anymore.
But we can’t do this alone, Friend. Can I count on you to join the fight for the truth? Click below to donate.
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Thank you,
Brent Bozell
Founder and President of MRC
The mission of the Media Research Center is to create a media culture in America where truth and liberty flourish. The MRC is a research and education organization operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and contributions to the MRC are tax-deductible.
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