The New Deal was a raw deal for Americans, especially African Americans. And the New Deal would not be the last time that a Democrat-controlled federal government would extend its left hand to blacks while firmly holding them down with its right hand.
The Pentagon's Balloon Madness Recalls Major Rudolf Anderson
According to the Wall Street Journal, the Pentagon recently spent at least $1.5 million to down high-altitude objects, including the infamous Chinese balloon that supposedly was spying on the United States. Oh well, what’s another $1.5 million added onto a national debt of almost $31.6 trillion dollars? The entire panicked brouhaha over the Chinese balloon caused me to think about Major Rudolf Anderson, ...
The Vicious, Malicious, Racist Drug War
by Jacob G. Hornberger
The drug war is vicious, malicious, and racist. FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger discusses one of the ...
The Cost of the Nation's Endless Wars
by John W. Whitehead
Oh, the hypocrisy. To hear President Biden talk about the Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, you might imagine...
Trump's Big Lie about Medicare and Social Security
by Laurence M. Vance
In a recent brief video message to his supporters, former president and current 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump warned Republicans about ...
Don't Bow Down to a Dictatorial Government
by John W. Whitehead
The government wants us to bow down to its dictates. It wants us to buy into the fantasy that we are living the dream, ....
Why Sue Amazon for Antitrust Violations?
by Jacob G. Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling
Why is the Justice Department considering filing an antitrust lawsuit against Amazon? Join FFF president Jacob G. ...