Hi John -- did you see Matt’s email from yesterday?

Healthcare is an issue that really fires Matt up, because he knows there are real lives at stake. Matt is the only candidate in his race who is on the side of everyday Americans, and not pharmaceutical companies or Washington special interests.

Will you read his message and then consider chipping in a donation to his campaign today? I’m dropping a secure link to donate below.


-- Colleen

----- Forwarded message -----
From: Matt Cartwright
Date: Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 4:01 PM
Subject: healthcare update for you


In response to a Republican lawsuit, a federal court ruled in December that the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is unconstitutional. This ruling is a big victory for Republicans who have been working to sabotage the ACA without a replacement plan.

This reckless path Republicans have pursued on healthcare puts 134 million Americans with pre-existing health conditions at risk. I’m dedicated to fighting for all those with pre-existing conditions, friends. That’s why I have fought every single GOP attempt to take healthcare away in Congress, opposed this nonsense lawsuit, and why my re-election campaign is all about protecting healthcare.

Even worse, National Republicans are now trying to hide the negative effects of their ACA lawsuit by asking the Supreme Court to wait until after the 2020 election to take up their case. We have to make sure every single swing voter knows about this and what’s at stake, team. Will you chip in a contribution so we can get the truth about the GOP’s reckless healthcare agenda far and wide?

While National Republicans have been busy trying to take healthcare away and make coverage less affordable, I’ve been doing the opposite. I recently voted for the Lower Drug Costs Now Act, which would allow Medicare to negotiate down prices directly with drug companies, and create caps on out-of-pocket drug expenses.

If you want to continue to see my approach to healthcare in Congress, will you consider making a small donation today so I can keep fighting for you?


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