Breaking News

“McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson access to January 6 Capitol security footage, sources say”

Kevin McCarthy and Tucker Carlson

Kevin McCarthy just gave Tucker Carlson and Fox News access to ALL the security footage from the attacks on January 6th.

SIGN NOW: Investigate Fox News for their involvement in the January 6th Insurrection >>

Investigate Fox News for their involvement in the January 6th Insurrection >>

DON’T FORGET: Uncovered texts showed that the Trump administration directly coordinated with Fox News anchors before, during, and after the Insurrection!

That’s why Fox News chose not to air the January 6th primetime hearings. They knew what Trump was doing was illegal and that they are culpable!

And now Kevin McCarthy is risking national security by sharing January 6th footage with Tucker Carlson.

Bennie Thompson: It’s hard to overstate the potential security risks if this material were to be used irresponsibly.

SIGN NOW: Investigate Fox News for their involvement in the January 6th Insurrection >>

Investigate Fox News for their involvement in the January 6th Insurrection >>

Thank you for protecting our democracy.


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