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One of my top priorities in Congress is ensuring that Iowans in rural communities have the same access to care that those in urban areas do. Expanding access to telehealth services is critical to achieving that goal. That's why I helped introduce the bipartisan Knowing the Efficiency and Efficacy of Permanent (KEEP) Telehealth Options Act, legislation that will keep beneficial telehealth options in place.

Many Iowans in rural communities have to drive over an hour to see a doctor, maybe even further to see a specialist -- this is on top of long wait times and the expense of filling up a tank of gas. These are serious barriers to care that deter people from seeking the services they need, and we can break down these barriers by making commonsense telehealth options permanent. Additionally, I believe telehealth is a particularly valuable tool to address the growing mental health crisis and give Americans another access point to mental and behavioral health services from the comfort of their own homes.

In a divided government, we need to be focused on solutions. Expanding access to telehealth services is an issue that has long received wide, bipartisan support. I’m proud to help lead this bipartisan effort, and I will continue working across the aisle to improve access to care for rural Iowans. 

Read on for more information about my work for Iowans this week!


National FFA Week

I was proud to help lead a bipartisan resolution designating this week as National FFA Week. The opportunities provided by FFA help prepare the next generation of ag leaders in Iowa and across the country, and instill important values in our future farmers!

Bipartisan Bill to Expand Civics Education

Times have changed, and I’m concerned by the downward trend in civic engagement among young people. Unfortunately, less than 25 percent of eighth grade students nationwide were considered proficient on a recent National Assessment of Educational Progress civics assessment. We need to work together to improve civics education and help young people understand the importance of engaging in our democratic republic. 


That’s why I just introduced the bipartisan Promoting Programming, Research, Education and Preservation (PREP) in Civics and Government Act. This legislation will expand access to civics education and resources for students in Iowa and across the country through the National Endowment for Humanities. Enhancing civics and government education will help inspire the next generation to engage in public policy and their communities. You can read more about our efforts here.

Catching Up with Jeff Stein

I joined Jeff Stein on KXEL to discuss the train derailment in East Palestine, the ongoing crisis at our Southern Border, and the new Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party. Listen to our full interview here!

Column: Standing up for the Second Amendment

In the latest Biden Administration effort to chip away at our Second Amendment rights, President Biden gave the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) the authority to regulate firearms with stabilizing braces under the National Firearms Act (NFA). This is an unconstitutional overreach that will impact millions of gun owners across the country, particularly disabled veterans.

I will continue to stand against efforts from the Biden Administration to undermine our Second Amendment rights. Read my full column here.

Confronting Communist China

Communist China is spying on us and stealing from us -- Iowans have experienced Communist Chinese Party (CCP) espionage firsthand. We have to shut down the CCP's wide ranging spy campaign in our country, whether it's banning TikTok or ensuring there are no spy balloons allowed in our skies.

Watch my full interview on this here, and make sure you tune in to the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party's first official hearing this coming Tuesday, February 28th, at 6pm CT.

Community Highlights

My team stopped by the Winter Arts Snow Sculpting Festival in Dubuque! The Driftless Snow Sculptors won with their sculpture, “The Symphonious Swan.” Congratulations to all of the artists!

My team recently attended the ribbon cutting for Eagle Point Solar in Cedar Rapids and celebrated their expansion.

Headline Highlights

Manchester Press: Ag women host Hinson

Globe Gazette: Hinson talks China, red tape during Osage visit

New York Post: Chinese balloons aren’t America’s only problem with Beijing

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