As Black Futures Month draws to a close, we remember that we must
keep building movements toward Black liberation and liberation for all
of us — not just in February, but all year long.
Over the next few months, Bend the Arc leaders across the
country are organizing at the local, state, and federal levels,
demanding our elected leaders cut funding to racist institutions and
instead invest in our communities.
In the meantime, we're recommitting ourselves to the promise of
Black Futures and the possibility of liberation, something that Black
Jews in our communities have been doing for generations.
In that spirit, we’ve compiled a list of Black Jewish
writers, thinkers, organizers, and creators who move and inspire
us. Read on below to learn more about their work, and follow
them on Instagram, Twitter, and beyond.
We hope that you enjoy discovering their content — as we have!
L’atidim sh’chorim (Towards Black Futures), The Bend
the Arc team

Michael Twitty is a culinary historian and author of The
Cooking Gene and Kosher
Soul. We love how he explores the histories, tastes, and
flavors of his Black and Jewish identities as critical expressions of
culture and spirit. Twitty also documents his experiences on his blog,
where he teaches, documents, and preserves the Black American culinary
traditions of the historic South and its connections with the wider
African-Atlantic world and parent traditions in Africa.
Follow Michael Twitty on Twitter
and Instagram

There’s no doubt that Raven Schwam-Curtis is a member of Gen Z.
They’ve got the confidence and the social media savvy to make things
happen! Schwam-Curtis, known as RavenReveals, is a content creator on
Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok who addresses their Black and Jewish
identity through an intersectional lens and a touch of humor. We love
how Schwam-Curtis’ work strives to educate her audiences through fun,
valuable content.
Follow RavenReveals on Twitter,
and Instagram

(Click the image
to play video on Instagram)

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein is a guiding force on issues related
to inclusion and intersectionality in academia! Prescod-Weinstein is
an American theoretical cosmologist and particle physicist who uses
her social media platform to advocate for increasing diversity in
science and to raise awareness on important issues relating to race,
politics, and their own Jewish identity. She helped organize 4,500
academics to participate in the June 10th, 2020 global "Strike for
Black Lives" and has a book called The
Disordered Cosmos: A Journey into Dark Matter, Spacetime, and Dreams
Follow Chanda on Twitter
and Instagram

Could math be linked to love? That’s the question explored in
Camonghne Felix’s memoir Dyscalculia:
A Love Story of Epic Miscalculation. It’s a story of how she
healed herself through connection to history she’d left behind — from
early childhood trauma to her relationship with mathematics. Her debut
poetry collection, Build
Yourself A Boat, was longlisted for the 2019 National Book
Award. The poems are all about using your voice to change the
Follow Camonghne on Twitter
and Instagram

April Baskin was “that rare kid who loved Hebrew school,” and
has spent her career working to open doors and embrace diversity in
the Jewish community. Baskin founded Joyous
Justice in 2019, leveraging nearly two decades of intersectional
diversity, equity, and belonging work to create a new platform that
brings together Jews committed to social change.
Follow April on Twitter
and Instagram

(Click the image
to play video on Instagram)

MaNishtana (Hebrew: מה נשתנה) is the pseudonym of
Shais Rishon, a Black Orthodox Jewish writer, speaker, rabbi, and
author. The name MaNishtana comes from the first two words in
a phrase meaning, "Why is tonight different from all other nights?" As
a child, he felt alienated from the Jewish community because of his
race and the treatment he received from white Jews. His work reflects
his own personal journey at the intersection of race and religion. His
latest book is Ariel
Samson: Freelance Rabbi, a semi-fictionalized memoir about a
20-something Black Orthodox Jewish rabbi looking for love and figuring
out life — and how to navigate between those worlds.
Follow MaNishtana on Twitter
and Instagram