
February 24, 2023

Dear John:


I hope you and your families weathered the storm alright this week! We got some pretty tall drifts at my house.






The HOPE Act

This week, I introduced the Health, Opportunity, Protecting Life, Education (HOPE) Act. 

Many women feel unprepared and think abortion is the only solution to an unplanned pregnancy. It is crucial to support women facing an unexpected pregnancy, so they are empowered to choose life. The HOPE Act provides tangible ways we can help expectant mothers at a time when they need it most.

The HOPE Act will improve access to prenatal telehealth care and support positive alternatives for women and support through pregnancy centers that provide assistance with medical care, housing, childcare, and parenting education. It will improve and consolidate access to updated information that is critical to expectant mothers. It requires parental notification so parents are informed if their child is looking into making the life-altering decision of having an abortion. And, it prohibits Planned Parenthood from accessing any federal mandatory or discretionary funds. In order to maintain their federal funding, the organization must certify that it will not perform or support other entities that perform abortions.

I am proud to be a champion of the pro-life agenda and will continue to work to protect the unborn and their mothers.


I got to meet with the Morrison County Commissioners to discuss some of the policy issues they've been tracking, like mental health and healthcare in the jail system.


I was able to join Mark and Steve on Up Front AM960 KLTF in studios last week! We had a great time talking about legislation I have been working on, what the Republican Majority is accomplishing, and what it's like working with all the different personalities in Washington. Thanks again for having me on the show!


I sat down with the Albany Chamber of Commerce where we discussed everything from inflation and the cost of living and workforce shortages to how extreme climate change policies are negatively impacting them.

Thank you for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. Have a great weekend!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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