Democrat Senate Chair of the Law and Justice Committee has said she will NOT move a critical public safety bill forward.
Shift Washington
Democrats have done quite a lot of damage to public safety in the last few years in our state. We’ve seen crime rates skyrocket in communities across Washington because of their terrible anti-police policies. Unfortunately, most Democrats (even the ones who talked about public safety during their campaigns) aren’t in any hurry to recognize their failures and fix them.
Perhaps no other policy has failed communities across our state more than the Democrats’ 2021 bill banning police from pursuing suspected criminals fleeing the scene of a crime. We’ve all seen the damage from this legislation. That’s why a bi-partisan group of House lawmakers – i.e., Republicans and a handful of reasonable Democrats – attempted to amend that law this year via HB 1363.
This reform (HB 1363) would have again allowed police pursuits given a reasonable suspicion a crime had been committed. But the rationality behind the amending bill was a step too far for many House Democrats. 
Instead, the House is now poised to pass a watered-down version of the reform, which gives police the authority to pursue someone who they reasonably suspect of a violent crime, a sexual crime, vehicular assault, escape, DUI, and domestic violence. Notably, vehicular theft – a crime that has reached unprecedented levels in our state – was not included.
Despite the change, we here at Shift WA recognize the importance of ultimately passing some reform (HB 1363) – watered down or not. That’s why it’s so concerning that that the Democrat Senate Chair of the Law and Justice Committee has said she will NOT even move the bill forward.
Democrats have made it clear that they are pro-criminal – and we must stand up to them. We need your help to demand the State Senate pass the bill (HB 1363). 
Please call the Legislative HOTLINE today at 1.800.562.6000 and demand that your State Senator push for the passage of HB 1363.
Please also sign and share our petition demanding the State Senate pass the bill.
The public safety in communities across our state is at stake. Please join us in demanding the change which our law enforcement professionals needs to help keep our communities safe.
Thank you,
The Shift WA Team