You've waged war on the culture of death since the deadly Roe v. Wade decision 47 years ago. Not only do you share the Pro-Life message with your friends, family, and neighbors, but you equip the next generation to challenge their peers too.
Now, the students who spread the Pro-Life message with you on the front-lines need an important reminder: They are not alone in this movement.
Your army of Dr. Joseph Graham Fellows will join half a million people to march to the Supreme Court, visit the Holocaust Museum and reflect on the abortion holocaust, and tour the Capitol with a Pro-Life member of Congress. We cover all of their expenses (food, transportation, lodging, and conference registration).
Will you sponsor a Dr. Joseph Graham Fellow at the national March for Life in Washington, D.C.?
Your gift in one of the following amounts can help provide Pro-Life students with an unforgettable experience at the march:
Students who have attended the D.C. march in the past say this is one of the top five most memorable weekends of their time in college, a refreshing reminder of support from Pro-Life folks like you.
Funds raised in excess of the students' trip expenses will be dedicated to scholarships for Fellows across the state.
You can offer this once in a lifetime opportunity to juniors and seniors in the Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship. Will you help equip the next generation of Pro-Life leaders?
Click here to re-energize a hardworking student with a sponsorship of $30, $100, $350, or more!
Yours for Life,