Sen. Chris Coons and
Rep. Barbara Lee
CCL volunteers on both coasts heard from some powerhouse members of Congress at their regional conferences this past weekend. At the Mid-Atlantic conference in Wilmington, Delaware, Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), who introduced the Senate version of the Energy Innovation Act near the end of the 115th Congress, referenced the fires in Australia when he said, "To some extent we are all koalas now. We are living in a planet on fire."
In East Bay, California, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) welcomed attendees at the Northern California conference to her district. One of the cosponsors of the Energy Innovation Act, Rep. Lee told the crowd that climate change and environmental justice are closely tied. Check out upcoming regional conferences. Other news this week: Snowman protest: Global warming is really hard on snowmen. So, CCL is sponsoring a contest for people to build snowmen protesting climate change and then post a picture of it on Instagram. Winners will get cash prizes. Get more details. Remembering Marshall: The memorial for CCL Founder Marshall Saunders will be held this Saturday at 1 p.m. PT at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Coronado, California. The service will be live-streamed here. |
Grasstops: Shareholders pressure corporations
We know that businesses can influence members of Congress, but how can we turn corporations into allies? CCL volunteer Gabe Rissman discovered an effective approach is to have shareholders organize to petition companies to take climate action. To that end, he started YourStake.org to, among other things, “pressure the corporate world en masse to support the Energy Innovation Act.” You can read more of Gabe’s story in this post on CCL Community. CCL volunteers are regularly activating the “five levers” of political will in their communities. To talk with other CCLers about their grasstops work and get advice or ideas for your own, head to the Grasstops Engagement forum on CCL Community.
This week on the CCL blog
Carbon pricing a “no brainer”: Testifying before the House Energy and Commerce Committee recently, Columbia University economist Noah Kaufman said, “A carbon price should be part of a comprehensive climate policy” because it “would achieve large emissions reductions at a small cost.” Read more. Economic case for climate action: As the rich and powerful gather for the World Economic Forum in Davos, climate change is moving to the top of the agenda when it comes to financial risks. Read more. |
CCL offers two ongoing learning series: Citizens' Climate University for existing volunteers, and Core Volunteer Training for new volunteers. Here are the next few sessions you can join: 1/23 Citizens' Climate University: Meeting with Editorial Boards - Want a newspaper endorsement for the Energy Innovation Act? A good place to start is with meeting your paper’s editorial board. Learn more. 1/28 Core Volunteer Training: Understanding Congress and the Legislative Process - Learning what life is like for members of Congress and Hill staffers can make you a more effective lobbyist. Learn more. 1/30 Citizens' Climate University: In-District Lobbying Plans - Meeting with members of Congress in district is an essential part of our lobbying effort. A good plan will yield a successful meeting. Learn more. To see upcoming topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community. |
Featured Action Team: Led by Lori Byron, Rob Byron, and Lisa Del Buono, the CCL Health Action Team's mission is to secure endorsements from local and national medical and health-related organizations and to educate ourselves, CCL and health sector professionals on how climate impacts health. The guest speakers on the team's January 27 call at 8:30 p.m. ET will be Dr. Ashley McClure (pictured) and Dr. Amanda Millstein. Dr. McClure is an internist at Kaiser Permanente in San Francisco, organizer of health care providers at the climate strike in San Francisco, and an enthusiastic climate activist. You can learn about, join, and get call details on the Health Action Team page. Other upcoming Action Team calls …
1/22 - Team OIL Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.
1/22 - Climate and Environmental Justice Action Team call at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT.
1/27 - Labor Outreach Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.
1/27 - Outdoor Industry Action Team call at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.
1/27 - Buddhist Action Team call at 8:30 p.m. ET/5:30 p.m. PT.
1/29 - State Carbon Taxes Action Team call at 3 p.m. ET/12 p.m. PT - hosted by Climate X Change.
Details for all these calls are on the Community Events Calendar.
To check out all of CCL's Action Teams and join any that interest you, head to the Action Team directory on CCL Community. |
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CCL Climate Advocate Training Do you want to be a more effective volunteer? Start by joining our Informational Session, then register for our Climate Advocate Training, and wrap up with our Core Volunteer Training. The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8pm ET, 5pm PT.
Climate Advocate Training is held the first Wednesday of every month at 1 pm ET and the third Wednesday monthly at 8 pm ET (adjust for your local time zone).
Core Volunteer Training is held weekly on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET, 5 pm PT.
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