Tuesday, March 7, 2023
10:00 am EST (4:00 pm CET) Virtual Event
Transport accounts for 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions and is the world’s second fastest growing source of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Major action is needed to transform the transport system to meet climate goals – from shifting to zero-carbon cars, trucks, ships and planes; to improving the availability of clean, modern and affordable public transportation; to providing safe walking and cycling networks; to implementing new measures to reduce unnecessary trips and wasted fuel.
Join Systems Change Lab and WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities on March 7 for a high-level discussion of the current state of play in the global transport system and the five critical shifts needed to achieve global climate goals:
Panelists will explore the shared importance of vehicle electrification and shifts to active mobility, the role of various actors in catalyzing new solutions for aviation and maritime shipping, the status of tipping points in driving exponential progress, and how a systems approach can help us reimagine transport as we know it.
This session will set the stage ahead of Transforming Transportation 2023, organized by the World Bank and WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities.
Ani Dasgupta, President & CEO, World Resources Institute
Opening Remarks:
Felipe Ramírez, Urban Mobility Director, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities
François Bausch, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Mobility and Public Works and Minister of Defence, Luxembourg
Maruxa Cardama, Secretary General, SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport
Binyam Reja, Global Practice Manager for the Transport Practice in the Infrastructure Vice Presidency of the World Bank
Sandra Roling, Director of Transport, The Climate Group