Hi John,

The recent riot in Knowsley, and the spate of anti-migrant protests around the country, must come as a stark reminder to the Government of the consequences of its anti-migrant rhetoric. It is vital MPs get up to speed on the far-right threat and work together to provide fair treatment for those seeking refuge in the UK.

We've put together a briefing that shows the links between Government rhetoric and far-right activity. Will you help by contacting your MP with our briefing?


According to HOPE not hate research, anti-migrant activism has risen by 102% in the last year. It's vital that together we stand up for refugees, migrants and asylum seekers and call on the Government to take responsibility for its anti-migrant rhetoric.

So that MPs are aware of what is needed, we’ve produced a briefing that sets out the links between Government rhetoric and far right activity in communities.

The briefing also makes 3 demands:

  1. End the use of inflammatory language by the Government and the media which feeds and enables the far right.
  2. Make sure the Home Office puts the right safeguards in place for those in unsafe and unsuitable accommodation.
  3. Put together a long-term plan to provide suitable community-based accommodation for people seeking asylum, and to take action to address the backlogs that trap people in unsuitable accommodation where they become targets for hate.


It's going to take thousands of us emailing our MPs to make sure they understand the importance of the issue.

Together, we can all make a difference to stop division and hatred.


Nick Spooner

Campaigner, HOPE not hate