Weekly Reads
“We must make the shift from being ‘donors’ to also becoming ‘doers,’ both supporting grantee action on racial equity and taking sustained action against inequity in our own organizations. … The communities we serve need—and our grantees expect—more leaders in philanthropy to step into the work of racial equity with confidence and a commitment to action.” [more]
Alandra Washington, W. K. Kellogg Foundation, in Stanford Social Innovation Review
“[The Technology Association of Grantmakers] State of Philanthropy Tech survey found that the largest foundations spend an average of 7% of their overall operating budget on technology, including staff to service the technology. Some funders, [Executive Director Chantal Forster] said, spend up to 20% of their internal budgets on tech. ‘Most nonprofits spend far less than this,” Forster said. ‘So are we as funders privileging our own operations? Are we providing that same level of support for the healthy and sustainable operation of nonprofits?’” [more]
Dawn Wolfe for Inside Philanthropy
“In response to this horrific imbalance of capital allocation in philanthropy, movement and philanthropic leaders came together to develop a Just Transition Investment Framework that offers a strategy for how philanthropies can shift capital and power to frontline BIPOC communities who are building local regenerative economies.” [more]
Justice Funders