Dear Friend, 

Don’t stand by while wolf pups are dynamited in their dens. Donate $27 and help us reach our $4,200 goal before it’s too late!

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Safe in her den, a mama wolf nurses her young pups. She watches as they stumble around on their tiny paws, learning the lay of the land. All of a sudden, a resounding BANG deafens her as dynamite erupts in the den. Before she can react, she realizes she can’t move -- and where did her babies go? Trophy hunters have resorted to blowing up wolf families in the safety of their dens. This can’t continue -- donate $27 or more today and help us reach our $4,200 goal for wolves and the planet!

Believe it or not, the brutal practice of dynamiting nursing wolf mothers and their pups in their dens is completely legal in northern Rockies states like Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming -- which also allow hunters to torture innocent wolves with barbaric steel traps and snares.

We didn’t think it could get any worse, Friend -- but our worst fears are coming true. Now, Idaho Fish and Game is proposing to extend gray wolf hunting season to last ALL YEAR in some areas, and open even more areas up to inhumane foot traps that leave wolves reeling in pain for days on end. We can’t let this happen -- but there’s still time to act before these plans seal the fate of gray wolves!

Don’t let trophy hunters continue to wreak havoc on gray wolves, the public lands they roam, and the planet: Donate $27 before it’s too late to act!

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Over the past six decades, wolves had begun to make a slow but promising recovery. But states in the northern Rockies still haven’t put any federal safeguards in place to keep gray wolves safe from ruthless trophy hunters, putting their recovery under threat. Even so, trophy hunting and Big Oil lobbies continue to push against ESA protections for these innocent canines!

The proposed hunting regulations in Idaho are just one example of how these states are chipping away at wolf protections and shrinking the areas where they can be safe.

Even wolves in Yellowstone or states with protections aren’t safe. You see, wolves aren’t bound by state or park lines and often roam into areas where it’s completely legal to kill them using the most brutal of hunting practices. In fact, Yellowstone recently lost a record high of 25 wolves, leaving only 89 within its borders!

And it’s not enough for hunters to just kill innocent wolves -- they have to resort to the most vicious practices imaginable, all for sport. Wolves are choked to death in snares, their struggle only made worse by futile attempts to escape. They are run over by snowmobiles, spending their last moments in excruciating pain as they succumb to their injuries.

Enough is enough. We have to do better by the wolves, Friend, and stop greedy private interests before it’s too late.

It’s time to put an end to the senseless murder of innocent wolves. Rush your $27 contribution today.

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No wolf deserves this grisly fate. What’s more, wolves are vital to a healthy, functioning ecosystem. Other animal and plant species depend on wolves to keep populations of elk and deer in check. Not to mention, the remains of their kills redistribute nutrients and feed scavengers, too. Wolves are a keystone species -- their habitats need them in order to function properly.

But trophy hunters and Big Oil lobbies continue the attacks on ESA protections, signaling the demise of many beloved and iconic creatures like our wolves. Now, only 6,000 wolves remain in the lower 48 states -- and it’s up to us to protect them.

Friend, your membership gift today can help push back against greedy interests and urge the Biden administration to put federal protections in place, save wolves from these vicious attacks, and protect our planet. At the same time, we’ll work to protect the public lands that wolves and their web of life rely on.

But trophy hunters and Big Oil lobbies are fighting hard against these protections for the sake of corporate greed -- which is why we need your urgent action. Please, will you donate $27 now to help us reach our $4,200 goal before it’s too late for wolves and the planet?

Help protect wolf families and fight for federal safeguards and ESA protections. Donate $27 and help us reach our $4,200 before the clock strikes midnight!

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Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Fossil fuel and lands campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
