From VDARE Editors <[email protected]>
Subject BULLETIN: New Video! - Immigration Moratorium With Faith Goldy, Nationalist Right Emerging Across Scandinavia; etc. (59 items)
Date January 22, 2020 9:14 PM
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[New video! - Immigration Moratorium Redux with Faith Goldy]([link removed]); [Nationalist Right Emerging Across Scandanavia]([link removed]); and [VA Second Amendment Rally An Invigorating (And Implicitly White) Success!]([link removed]); etc. (59 items, 01/21/2019)

Top viewed this week: ["Don’t Go To Richmond VA Pro-Gun Rally! Stay Home, Clean Your Guns—And PREPARE TO VOTE!]([link removed])" But Jack Dalton, like many relieved Americans, is pleased to announce: "[VA Second Amendment Rally An Invigorating (And Implicitly White) Success!"]([link removed])

Next up, James Kirkpatrick is on "[Kritarchy Watch: Random Judge Overrules The President, Decides States Must Accept Refugees]([link removed])."

But don’t lose heart! Brenda Walker takes third place with: [Muslim Representative Ilhan Omar Faces Federal Criminal Investigation By Both FBI And ICE]([link removed]). Finally!

In fourth, Steve Sailer observes the absurd: [NBC: Time To Make Voting Republican Illegal Because It’s Racist]([link removed]). In case impeachment doesn’t work, maybe Democrats can invalidate the 2016 election by claiming voters were racist? [This reader]([link removed]) thinks that NBC writer is a loon.

And lastly, Steve Sailer explains [Why Mexican-Americans Have Gotten Relatively Shorter And Less Athletic]([link removed]). The shortest are down in Central America.

Featured Articles

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[John Derbyshire: “Disparate Impact”—Key Lie In Our Ruling Class Ideology]([link removed])

Monday January 20, 2020

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

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Sunday January 19, 2020

Author Jack Dalton

[DON’T GO To Richmond VA Pro-Gun Rally! Stay Home, Clean Your Guns—And PREPARE TO VOTE!]([link removed])

Sunday January 19, 2020

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Thursday January 16, 2020

Author Harri Honkanen

[MSM Fixates On Finland’s Woke Millennial Gynocracy, But Nationalist Right Emerging Across Scandinavia]([link removed])

Wednesday January 15, 2020

Author Faith Goldy

[Faith Goldy Video: Immigration Moratorium Redux!]([link removed])

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Tuesday January 14, 2020

Author Allan Wall

[MEMO FROM MEXICO: Another American Family Massacred But No War Against Christmas. And A Bullfight]([link removed])

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Blog Posts

Monday January 20, 2020

Author Jack Dalton

[VA Second Amendment Rally An Invigorating (And Implicitly White) Success]([link removed])

Monday January 20, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

[Guest-Worker Visas Don't Solve The Problem, They Cause It]([link removed])

Monday January 20, 2020

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Monday January 20, 2020

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Sunday January 19, 2020

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Saturday January 18, 2020

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Saturday January 18, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Why Mexican-Americans Have Gotten Relatively Shorter and Less Athletic]([link removed])

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Friday January 17, 2020

Author Federale

[ICE Attorneys Continue To Sabotage Enforcement]([link removed])

Friday January 17, 2020

Author Ward Hanover

["Kansas Researcher" (Chinese Immigrant) Turns Out To Be Spying For China.]([link removed])

Friday January 17, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

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Friday January 17, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

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Thursday January 16, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

[Radio Derb Transcript Up For January 10: Harvey On Trial, Joe Biden's Plan, Legalizing Jaywalking, And Banning "Illegal," Etc.]([link removed])

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Thursday January 16, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

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Thursday January 16, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[Tucker Carlson: New York State Ends Bail For Many Offenses, And Criminals Go Wild]([link removed])

Thursday January 16, 2020

Author Peter Brimelow

[Debate Shows Dem Immigration Policies So Bad Trump Doesn't Have To DO Anything To Win 2020—Just Not Be A Democrat]([link removed])

Wednesday January 15, 2020

Author Federale

[Deep State Saboteurs In EOIR Immigration “Courts” Can't Even Keep Out Illegal Alien LAWYERS]([link removed])

Wednesday January 15, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Kritarchy Watch: Random Judge Overrules The President, Decides States Must Accept Refugees]([link removed])

Wednesday January 15, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[Obama’s Scheming With Iran Shows Up After Soleimani Death]([link removed])

Wednesday January 15, 2020

Author Faith Goldy

[Faith Goldy Moratorium Video Goes Live At 6:30 PM Eastern Time]([link removed])

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Wednesday January 15, 2020

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Wednesday January 15, 2020

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Tuesday January 14, 2020

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Tuesday January 14, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

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Tuesday January 14, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

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Tuesday January 14, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

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Tuesday January 14, 2020

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[NYT: #OscarsSoNonLatinx]([link removed])

Tuesday January 14, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

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Tuesday January 14, 2020

Author Washington Watcher II

[Trump Builds The Wall? President Makes Major Push For Wall Construction Ahead of 2020 Election]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER POSTS]([link removed])


Saturday January 18, 2020

Author Reader

[A Talk Radio Listener Wonders If "Racist Voters" Loon Noah Berlatsky Wants To Abolish The Secret Ballot]([link removed])

Thursday January 16, 2020

Author Reader

[A Reader Remembers John Crosbie, An Anglo-Canadian Who Couldn’t Be PM Because He Didn’t Dare Throw Quebec Out Of Canada]([link removed])

Tuesday January 14, 2020

Author Reader

[A Talk Radio Listener On "Disparate " Fare-Beating Enforcement—"I Have Never Observed A White Fare Beater"]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER LETTERS]([link removed])

Vdare TV

Wednesday January 15, 2020


[Faith Goldy: Moratorium REDUX]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER VIDEOS]([link removed])

Radio Derb

Friday January 17, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

[The Guest-Workers' President, Disparate Impact, Western VA, And Taiwan, Etc.]([link removed])

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Syndicated Columns

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Wednesday January 15, 2020

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Author Peter Brimelow

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