Sen. Sanders’ call for national rent control does nothing to solve the housing shortage but would rather make it worse. What's the solution?
News & Commentary
Sen. Bernie Sanders tweets blueprint for a housing crisis
By Dan Hugger • January 22, 2020
Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders speaks to a crowd in Los Angeles, CA.
This week, Democratic presidential hopeful Senator Bernie Sanders, I-VT, tweeted a reaction to a story from The Economist describing rising American rent payments. In the tweet, Sanders writes, "This is a crisis. We need national rent control." Sanders is certainly right that we face a housing crisis. Prices for housing have continued to rise with the decline in housing stock relative to population. However, Senator Sanders’ call for national rent control does nothing about this underlying shortage but would rather make it worse. So, what is the solution?
Acton Line Podcast: Why we need Sir Roger Scruton's true conservatism
January 22, 2020
On this week's episode of Acton Line, we commemorate the life and legacy of Sir Roger Scruton
When Sir Roger Scruton passed away at the age of 75 on January 12, the world lost a giant in philosophy. Scruton wrote approximately 50 books on topics ranging from food to music to conservative thought, and in 2016 he was knighted for his contribution to philosophy and education. On this episode, Acton's Samuel Gregg explains the most important veins of Scruton's thought, especially those related to political philosophy and the arts.
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