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Subject LAST CALL to Save 20% on Five New Books!
Date February 24, 2023 2:32 PM
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Use coupon code FEBRUARY until 3/1 to get 20% off on these new releases 20% off these new books with coupon code FEBRUARY until 3/1 "A must read for all who dream of keeping practices of commoning alive.” —Silvia Federici, author of Re-enchanting the World: Feminism and the Politics of the Commons BUY “Michael Fine wins his big-hearted argument that American medicine is colonialism, not just for the poor but for all of us." —Samuel Shem, professor, NYU Medical School BUY A coloring book featuring the artwork of N.O. Bonzo. Let your imagination soar with this celebration of the many forms of anarchism, from direct action and mutual aid to abolition and community gardens, and more. BUY   “Exemplary reflections from today's frontline warriors that will disconcert liberals but inspire young people who want to live the struggle." —Mike Davis, author of Planet of Slums and City of Quartz BUY “A bloodstained blueprint for the next chapter in the long, noble, and utterly necessary fight against fascism. The struggle is never over, and it’s on all of us to wake up, read up, and stay ready.” —Kim Kelly, author of Fight Like Hell BUY Fifteen Years and Still Fighting! Sign up as a new Friend of PM to support our work, and we'll send you the new Anniversary shirt as a free gift. LEARN MORE & SIGN UP As a Friend of PM, you'll get a monthly package with every new book we publish and 50% off anything and everything on our website. That's two to four new books per month and a 50% discount on 500+ backlist books and zines, plus shirts, merch, and more on our website. As a thank you for signing up in FEBRUARY, we'll send you the new ANNIVERSARY SHIRT as a free gift! Click to sign up and choose the "Print plus" level, then write-in SHIRT, along with your size, in the Order Comments. Please use a bank or credit card as Paypal doesn't work for the subscription. It's the best way to support our publishing project. Offer ends 3/1/23  These amazing new books will arrive with your free shirt! BE OUR FRIEND Working It: Sex Workers on the Work of Sex Preorder on the new Kickstarter to help get this book into the world. Thanks in advance for your support! LEARN MORE & PREORDER Fiercely intelligent, fantastically transgressive, Working It is an intimate portrait of the lives of sex workers. A polyphonic story of triumph, survival, and solidarity, this collection showcases the vastly different experiences and interests of those who have traded sex, among them a brothel worker in Australia, First Nation survivors of the Canadian child welfare system, and an Afro Latina single parent raising a radicalized child. Packed with first-person essays, interviews, poetry, drawings, mixed media collage, and photographs Working It honors the complexity of lived experience. Sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes hardboiled, these dazzling pieces will go straight to the heart. GRAB BAGS AND BOXES Get a curated selection of books for you or someone else at a huge discount for the fight ahead with our Grab Bags and Grab Boxes. In the Grab Bag, you get 4 titles for $20. In the Grab Box, you get 20 titles for $100. While you won't be able to select the titles, you will be able to choose from a number of categories, and we'll curate the books for you. Some shipping and ordering restrictions apply, so please review all the information before ordering. GRAB BAG GRAB BOX Ways to support our independent, radical publishing project Donate Become a Friend of PM Review our books on Goodreads and Amazon Get us into your library Follow and share on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook Give a gift certificate Volunteer or Intern Sell our stuff Share Share Share View as Webpage PM Press | PO Box 23912, Oakland, CA 94623 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by in collaboration with Try email marketing for free today!
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