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Dear John,
Did you know that non-communicable diseases (NCDs) cause the deaths of 15 million people each year and 85% of these premature deaths occur in low-middle-income countries [[link removed]]?
Non-communicable diseases include cardiovascular diseases, cancers, respiratory diseases and diabetes. NCDs can and should be manageable and no person should be denied access to healthcare support.
In Ethiopia, we work alongside a wide range of community members to ensure that people can access support and stay healthy.
We train health workers and support them to conduct regular testing in remote communities - specifically targeting high-risk, marginalised groups - and refer people for critical treatment. Dedicated health workers have continued to deliver this support despite the recent drought in East Africa.
We also work with religious and community leaders as they play a crucial role in educating people about NCDs. We support and train health teams to host community meetings where people can discuss and learn about NCDs.
Working alongside trusted leaders and facilitating conversation enables us to spread vital health messages, understand people's fears and get people the support they require.
Health workers, activists, community leaders and volunteers in Ethiopia are doing incredible work to make NCDs manageable and get people the support they need. We are proud to work alongside them!
Warm wishes,
Siaffa Bunduka
Supporter Engagement Manager
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