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Friday, February 24th, 2023


Have the Ancient Gods Returned?

Dr Naomi Wolf

Clarkson’s Farm: Another Front in the War on Food

Tom Luongo

The Buildup To War In Ukraine

Moon of Alabama

Autopsies Confirm Covid Jab Hazards in Youth

Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Fallibility of Popes, According to St. Paul and St. Gregory

Msgr. Richard C. Antall

Biden’s Wonderful World of ‘Equity’

Steve McCann

An Act of Terror Against the American People

Alexandra Bruce

Politics, Empire, War

Bionic Mosquito

Putin’s ‘Civilizational’ Speech Frames Conflict Between East and West

Pepe Escobar

Iraqi Central Bank To Drop Dollar for Yuan in Trade With China

The Cradle

Political Passivity Undermines US

Emanuel Pastreich

March of Folly: Fall of American Empire

Jim Quinn

Political Theatre

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