Forty-seven years after the Supreme Court affirmed a woman's constitutional right to choose, we shouldn't have to remind politicians that they don't get to decide what's best for you. The only person

Chris CoonsJoin us.

Dear John,

Since President Trump made it his mission to stack our courts with extreme, anti-choice judges, this administration has tried everything in their power to turn back the clock on women's reproductive rights.

Emboldened by the president, more than 200 Republican members of Congress have signed an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Forty-seven years after the Supreme Court affirmed a woman's constitutional right to choose, we shouldn't have to remind politicians that they don't get to decide what's best for you. The only person who should get to make decisions about your health is YOU.

Yet that hasn't stopped more than 200 members of Congress from signing an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to consider overturning Roe v. Wade. Anti-choice lawmakers are ramping up their attacks in advance of a highly anticipated Supreme Court ruling in June Medical Services LLC v. Gee, a case that will determine the fate of abortion access in Louisiana and throughout the country.

That's why I urged the Supreme Court to protect women's rights, respect legal precedent, and strike down this unconstitutional law that's disguised as an effort to promote women's health, but provides no medical benefit. But anti-choice groups haven't stopped at just politicizing reproductive health and women's rights, they've weaponized it, too.

Here in Delaware, we witnessed firsthand a literal attack on a Planned Parenthood clinic in Newark. It's not just Newark, though. This is an alarming trend that's sweeping the country, and it must end.

The harder people try to cut off access to critical reproductive health care, the more important it's become for us to fight back. On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I'm more committed than ever to fighting back against attempts to deny women their reproductive rights, add your name if you're with me in this fight.

Thank you,



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