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Porker of the Month: Rep. Marcy Kaptur

Watch CAGW's July Porker of the Month Video

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has named Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) Porker of the Month for proposing that the financially incompetent United States Postal Service (USPS) enter into the banking business. On May 28, she stated that the American people “trust” the Postal Service, and it could “help fill real financial voids” by providing banking services to the 6.5 percent of Americans who may be “unbanked.” The balance sheet of USPS is in dismal shape after more than a decade of mismanagement, which has led to $69 billion in losses to date. However, instead of pushing the failing USPS to regroup, rightsize its operations, and cut expenses to balance the books, Rep. Kaptur believes the beleaguered agency should expand its operations into financial services. Given its track record of poor financial management, the last responsibility the Postal Service is qualified to take on is banking. For piling on more weight to a sinking ship by attempting to push USPS to move into financial services, Rep. Kaptur is the July Porker of the Month. Read more about the Porker of the Month.

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CCAGW Leads Fight Against Congressional Pay Raise

The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) this month continued its grassroots drive to stop members of Congress from giving themselves a pay raise. The effort began in June after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and her top lieutenant proposed an outrageous plan to increase the annual salary of members of Congress, who already earn $174,000 – nearly three times the median household income in this country. After CCAGW members and supporters generated more than 12,000 letters to congressional offices opposing a pay hike, the Speaker repeatedly pulled the pay raise legislation from consideration on the House floor. Despite the delays, the legislation could again be considered after the August congressional recess. Tell your U.S. Representative that you oppose any effort to increase congressional pay!

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CAGW Legacy Society Attracts New Members

“I have provided for CAGW in my will because I want my children to live in an America that is free, strong, and honors the sacrifices of those who came before us, which will only happen if our government is based on fiscally solid ground,” said longtime CAGW President’s Club member Patricia (Patty) Presti when she joined the J. Peter Grace Legacy Society. A lifelong resident of St. Louis, Patty learned as a girl to value the liberty and economic opportunity that America affords its citizens when she visited then-communist Bulgaria on several trips with her father, a Bulgarian immigrant. She recounts how miserable the Bulgarians were under communist rule, while their leaders lived in luxury. Avoiding a similar fate for America motivated Patty to join the other patriotic citizens who have pledged more than $9 million to CAGW through their wills and estate plans in order to leave a legacy of democratic freedom and economic prosperity by promoting limited, transparent, and accountable government. Learn more about the J. Peter Grace Legacy Society.

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From “The WasteWatcher” …

Earlier this month, House Democrats and President Trump reached a budget deal that would raise the discretionary spending caps in place since 2011 by $320 billion over the next two years with less than one-quarter in offsetting spending cuts, reports CCAGW Director of Government Affairs Allen Johnson on CCAGW’s blog, “The WasteWatcher.” The ultimate price for this additional spending will be another $2 trillion in deficits. While the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA) established caps to keep runaway spending in check, the recent deal erases those caps and repeals the final two years of the BCA. “Fiscally responsible members of Congress should oppose the budget deal and force leadership to renegotiate for genuine fiscal accountability. As it stands, this deal shreds hard-fought budget constraint and will be disastrous to the nation’s fiscal solvency and taxpayers,” concludes Johnson. The budget deal passed the House by a vote of 284 to 149 on July 25. A Senate vote is expected to take place later this week. Read more on “The WasteWatcher,” CCAGW’s staff blog.

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Take Action!

Tell Your U.S. Representative:  No Congressional Pay Raise!

Tell Your U.S. Senators:  No Medicare for All!

Tell Your U.S. Representative: No Green New Deal!

Tell Congress: Reinstate Medicare’s Best Fraud-Fighting Program!


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Providence Journal
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Blame ‘Free’ Tuition Programs for Rising College Costs
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The Daily Caller
July 29, 2019

Need for New F-15s Reflects F-35 Catastrophe
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July 19, 2019

Leading Democrats’ Health Care Proposals Break Hippocratic Oath
by Tom Schatz, President
July 9, 2019

Postal Banking, an Idea Whose Time Should Never Come
by Tom Schatz and Rep. Ted Budd (R-N.C.)
Washington Examiner
July 2, 2019

In the News ...

Transportation Today
(July 23, 2019)
Bipartisan House Effort Pushes for Elimination of Airport Passenger Facility Charge Cap
(July 17, 2019)
Ohio’s Budget Stalemate Is Finally Coming to an End

American Press
(July 6, 2019)
Time to Rein in National Debt

The Augusta Chronicle
(July 1, 2019)
What a Waste - Yet Again



Citizens Against Government Waste is the nation's largest taxpayer watchdog group with more than one million members and supporters nationwide. It is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government. Contributions to CAGW are tax-deductible as charitable contributions to the extent permitted by law. For more information about CAGW, visit our website at Make a tax-deductible contribution today to help CAGW stop the runaway defecit spending that is bankrupting America.

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