After Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court, putting abortion regulation in the hands of the states, many Americans were worried that right-wing anti-abortion activists would go further and attempt to try to ban abortion nationwide.

Those worries are well-founded.

Here is what you need to know: 23 years ago, the FDA approved mifepristone as a safe and effective medication to end a pregnancy.

Despite millions of Americans successfully using mifepristone, a federal judge in Texas could issue a nationwide injunction blocking the FDA's approval as soon as tomorrow.

The FDA is calling it "extraordinary and unprecedented". I call it outrageous and dangerous.

More than half of all abortions in America are done through medication abortion — the "abortion pill" — and it is possible that this ruling will immediately ban the use of this medication nationwide, before there has even been a trial to determine the facts, much less appeals to higher courts.

If this right-wing judge blocks access to abortion nationwide, Congress must act. If Congress cannot act, we need to elect pro-choice champions nationwide. Chip in now to help build the movement to elect a pro-choice majority in the US House.

We do not have a moment to lose.


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