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February 23, 2023

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Registration Open!

NASN members pay a special member rate. Join before registering and save!

The Latest Research

Stay current with the latest content from NASN School Nurse and The Journal of School Nursing. Use the links to sign up for email alerts.

NASN News and Highlights

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Upcoming Events

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Weekly Digest Archive

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President's Message

Registration is officially open for NASN2023! We hope you will join us for one of our three options:

  • Face-to-face in sunny Orlando, Florida, for In-Person NASN2023, June 30-July 3, 2023.
  • Virtual NASN2023 online from July 10-12, 2023.
  • Or, double your learning and save by bundling both conferences together when you register!

We have put together a Justification Toolkit for reasons to attend face-to-face in Orlando, online at the virtual event, or both. The toolkit contains a template letter to share with administrators or employers. You can customize our editable template letter to fit your needs.

Check out the schedule for In-Person or Virtual NASN2023.

I look forward to seeing you in person AND virtually for amazing learning experiences at NASN2023.

Linda Mendonça, DNP, RN, PHNA-BC, NCSN, FNASN
NASN President

NASN News and Highlights

Bill to Address Workforce Shortages in Healthcare

Last week, NASN President Linda Mendonça joined a roundtable discussion with Rhode Island healthcare leaders, where Rep. Seth Magaziner announced his first piece of legislation as a member of Congress, the “Healthcare Worker Retention Act,” which aims to address workforce shortages in healthcare.

“This legislation, with its goal of incentivizing the hiring and retaining of healthcare professionals, is a strong first step in addressing the shortage of school nurses," said Mendonça. See the Press Release.

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Final Call for Award Nominations

NASN is accepting nominations for the Distinguished Service Award and the NASN Recognition Award. Please help us recognize an organization or individual(s) who has given outstanding service, continually supported, or uniquely contributed to NASN school nursing or school health services. View descriptions and candidate submission procedures. Nominations are due March 1.

Barriers and Facilitators to High School Bathroom Use

School settings are uniquely positioned to influence the development of bladder habits. The Journal of School Nursing (JOSN) research article, Adolescent Women's Perspectives on Barriers and Facilitators to High School Bathroom Use, reveals insights into the adolescent experience, particularly regarding the bathroom environments and school policies that keep adolescent women in the classroom versus responding to their biological urges. School nurses have a unique role in educating teachers, administrators, and students about the importance of clean bathrooms and policies that support bathroom use in conjunction with the biological urge.

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School Nurse Provides Nurse-Chosen Products for Student Health Management

School Nurse, a division of Pocket Nurse®, offers thousands of nurse-curated products to manage K-12 student wellness. Products ship FAST, including first aid supplies, teaching tools, CPR/AED trainers, infection control items, and much more.

Learn More

Give Students a Healthier Education

Lewis’ School Nurse program gives you the skills to impact children’s lives as they go through the education system.

Learn More

School Nurses in the News

This section highlights news stories featuring NASN and school nurses. If you have a story about school nurses you'd like us to consider including, please send it to us.

NASN2023 Registration, Room Block, and Website are Open!

NASN’s 55th Annual School Nurse Conference will once again offer two separate learning events to meet the needs of all school nurses. You can choose from one of these three great options: 

  • In-Person NASN2023: Join us in Orlando, Florida, for In-person NASN2023, June 30 through July 3, 2023!
  • Virtual NASN2023, July 10 to July 12, 2023, gives you the flexibility to learn from anywhere.
  • NASN2023 Bundle: Register for the Bundle to increase the total number of NCDP contact hours available. Take advantage of the all-encompassing event where you can double your skills, networking, and experience.

Let's Build For the Future Together!

Managing Chronic Health Conditions

School Nurse-Led Case Management – Application of the Nursing Process

School nurses, refresh your perspective about how the application of the nursing process guides the provision of School Nurse-Led Case Management (SNLCM) for vulnerable students. This free course offers evidence-based current information, tools/resources, and strategies to support the confidence and competence of the school nurse role in promoting health equity for students with a known (asthma) and suspected (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - ME/CFS) health condition using SNLCM. Learn more and complete the course.

Improving School Community & Student Health

Using Medicaid to Fund School Health Services

Join the Healthy Schools Campaign and Georgetown Center for Children and Families and Community Catalyst on Thursday, March 2, at 1 p.m. CT, for a look at how 18 states are leveraging Medicaid funding and how other states can get started. Attendees will also learn how states are increasing the types of school health providers eligible for Medicaid reimbursement. Register today

Students Are at Risk of Losing Medicaid Coverage

NASN holds the position that promoting continuous and initial Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage provides health benefits and supports health equity for eligible children and adolescents. Providing information about Medicaid unwinding and reminding families to update their contact information with Medicaid will enable them to respond to communications from the state Medicaid office during this unwinding. Lack of health care coverage is a health equity concern for students. School nurses promote health care access for students.

Stop Bullying on the Spot

Parents/caregivers, school staff, and other adults in the community can help kids prevent bullying by talking about it, building a safe school environment, and creating a community-wide bullying prevention strategy. provides information from various government agencies on what bullying iswhat cyberbullying iswho is at risk, and how you can prevent and respond to bullying

Safe Sharps Disposal Resources

Millions of children are living with chronic diseases in the US, and some of them require the use of sharps to manage their condition. School nurses play an important role in medication administration and educating students on safe sharps disposal. offers free and easy-to-understand educational resources about safe sharps disposal and is the go-to website to find the closest sharps disposal location. Learn more.

Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Data Summary & Trends Report

CDC’s YRBS Data Summary & Trends Report: 2011-2021 is now available. This report provides the most recent 10-year trends on the health and well-being of U.S. high school students.

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Monday, February 27 - Sunday, March 5, is an annual campaign to educate the public about the realities of eating disorders and to provide hope, support, and visibility to individuals and families affected by eating disorders.

Mark Your Calendar

Distinguished Service Award/NASN Recognition Award Nomination Deadline:

March 1

Help us recognize an organization or individual(s).

See nomination procedures.

JOSN Meet the Editor Bimonthly Web Meeting: Literature Reviews - Don't Go It Alone!

March 8

Articulate the purpose and identify the types of literature reviews.

Register now.

HIMSS23: Global Health Conference & Exhibition

April 17 - 21

Join your colleagues for exclusive education, exhibition, and networking opportunities

View registration instructions.

NASN 2023 Election Voting

Election Dates:

March 15 - April 15

NASN members will select a president-elect, secretary/ treasurer, and a nominating committee member.

Meet the candidates.



Early Registration

May 1

Register early to get the best rate!

Early: Prior to May 1, 2023

Regular: After May 1, 2023

Learn more and register

NASN Annual Conference:


June 30 - July 3

NASN is cultivating a new forward-looking, healthier mindset for our in-person conference; attendee wellness will be a priority.

Learn more and register.

NASN Annual Conference:


July 10 -12 (online)

Attendees can count on NASN's excellence at this event while attending from their own location or on their own time.

Learn more and register.

State Associations of School Nurses' Conferences

  • Maryland Association of School Health Nurses Annual Conference - School Nurse-Navigators "Remember the Past, Navigate the Present, and Prepare for the Future" - March 4, 2023 - Learn more

  • Missouri Association of School Nurses Spring Conference - School Nurses Planting a Lifetime of Health - March 25-26, 2023 - Learn more and Register

  • New Jersey State School Nurses Association Spring 2023 Conference - Reimagining School Nursing - March 25, 2023 - Learn more and Register

  • Delaware School Nurse Association Winter/Spring Conference - Save the Date - April 1, 2023 - Learn more

  • Ohio Association of School Nurses 2023 Annual Conference - Good as Gold, Celebrating 50 Years of Ohio Nurses - April 14-16, 2023 - Learn more and Register

  • Louisiana School Nurses Organization: 53rd Annual LSNO Professional Growth Seminar - April 18-21, 2023 - Learn more

  • Wisconsin Association of School Nurses Annual Conference - Improving the Inclusivity and Visibility of School Nurses - April 26-28, 2023 - Learn more

NASN Calendar of Events

This calendar includes upcoming events hosted by NASN and NASN affiliate school nurse organizations. Access the calendar.


National Health Observances Calendar

This calendar lists special days, weeks, or months dedicated to raising awareness about important health topics. Access the 2023 calendar. 


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