Friend --

The success of any anti-war policy requires a plan for peace -- or the idea of "peace through development"? But what do we mean by "development"?

In 1975, LaRouche and his organization proposed a detailed plan for a new international financial system called the International Development Bank (IDB).? This proposal followed the August 15, 1971 move by the Nixon Administration to shatter the positive influence of the Bretton Woods System by decoupling the dollar from gold.

LaRouche had earlier warned that such action would first devastate the "third world countries" which were attempting to free themselves from colonialism by incentivizing currency speculation which would replace trade in physical goods, and deny development of needed infrastructure.? LaRouche warned that it would only be a matter of time before this policy would wipe out the productive economy in the United States as well.

The LaRouche IDB proposal was introduced at the UNGA in 1976, by Guyana's Foreign Minister Fred Wills.? For over 40 years,? LaRouche and his organization produced and proposed positive solutions for every part of the world.? These policies became clear alternatives to the madness of the financial oligarchy that was intent on colonization, depopulation, world war -- and? even now clearly promoting the destruction of their own national economies.

Join me for Part Two of my discussion with EIR's Gretchen Small on "Why LaRouche is the man they fear the most."? ?See LaRouche's record here.

Friday, February 24, 8:00 pm: LaRouche's 50-Year Fight for a New Paradigm


P.S. -- See the speeches from the Rage Against War February 19th rally here.

Diane Sare

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