Slash Illegal Immigration: Get E-Verify Passed. H.R. 319, the Legal Workforce Act MUST pass Congress! Dear John, The best way to fight illegal immigration is to require E-Verify. If illegal aliens can't work here, they can't afford to stay here. That's why NumbersUSA is making passing mandatory E-Verify a top priority. We're making an all-out push this year to get the Legal Workforce Act (H.R. 319) passed. We'll need the participation of all our members. We'll be placing phone calls ... providing e-mail and fax content to our members ... campaigning on Capitol Hill ... launching statewide campaigns for the passage of state laws ... and calling out the members of Congress who fail to support E-Verify! But we'll need financial backing for this. Our goal is a million messages sent to Congress, each one sent to a member of Congress from their own constituent. Please make sure you've taken any actions on your Action Board. But then please come back to donate. Each $25 donation would empower our members to send dozens of messages. We need you, John, to give today to help make sure we can reach our goal.
Here's what you should know about E-Verify:
In fact, E-Verify is so popular that it's almost impossible to find anyone who admits to opposing it. Unfortunately, there are plenty of employers who like a massive, unregulated, underpaid, illegal workforce. And apparently, they have considerable sway with policymakers in Washington. But no one wants to go on record as saying, "Sure! We want illegal aliens taking American jobs! It helps us suppress wages!" That's why NumbersUSA is taking action: if only Congress takes a vote on E-Verify, we'll know who really stands with American workers and legal residents. The good news is that the new Republican House leadership supports a vote on E-Verify. But we'll never get anything through Congress on a strictly partisan basis. We need to get more Democrats to support American workers. Congratulations to Rep. Ed Case of Hawaii for becoming the first Democrat since 2013 to cosponsor the Legal Workforce Act! Do you know whose support we need to pass E-Verify? YOURS, John! We need your support now to make sure we haven't come so far for naught. It might take us until the next presidency to pass E-Verify. Or perhaps Pres. Biden and the Democrats who run the Senate might decide that this is not the hill they are willing to die on. But if we are ever going to get an E-Verify mandate passed, we need the House to act NOW! Will you support us TODAY?
You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Be well, Dan Marsh