Folks, in just a moment I’ll ask you to make a contribution to my official reelection campaign, but first I hope you’ll give me a moment to explain why it’s so important to give — especially today.

I’m the most vulnerable Senator up for reelection in 2024 and Republicans have already named me as a top target. Mitch McConnell and his super PAC allies are sure to throw everything they’ve got at me to try to flip my seat red — they’ve even started spending money on attack ads against me.

Last time around, over $70 million was spent on the Montana Senate race, and experts are predicting this election to be even more expensive. It’ll take a lot of support from this team to raise what we’ll need to protect this seat.

Now if you know me, I’m not the kind of person who likes to ask for money. But I bet Mitch McConnell would be so mad if we showed him we can stand up to his wealthy donors and super PACs with regular people like yourself chipping in a few bucks when you can. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when he realizes we’re going to stop him in his tracks right here in Montana. 

Let’s be clear: This election isn’t a sure thing. Experts say this race is a toss-up and ranks Montana as one of the seats most likely to flip red. That’s why it’s SO important you make a contribution today — everything is on the line. 

Mitch McConnell will be watching what we raise now and in the coming days to judge the strength of this team. I need you on my side now more than ever to show him we’re ready to fight back and win. 

Will you make a contribution to my campaign today? It couldn’t come at a more critical moment:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Folks, you and I have won tough battles before, and I’m confident we’ll do it again. Thanks for sticking with me. 

— JT