
Dear John,


On Sunday, February 26 at 7pm, join us for a virtual Teach-In to raise the minimum wage.


In 2023, New York’s $15 minimum wage barely buys two cartons of eggs or a decent lunch. And as prices continue to climb, it’s clear that a $15 minimum wage is no longer cutting it.


That’s why ALIGN and the Raise Up NY coalition are fighting to raise New York’s minimum wage to at least $21.25. But in order to win, we need workers across the state to join the fight and share why we need to raise the wage NOW. 


That’s where you come in—join us this Sunday to learn more about our campaign to Raise the Wage: 

We’ll be hearing from workers, elected officials, and activists statewide who will share why raising the minimum wage is an urgent priority for New Yorkers and how you can get involved. 


Passing the highest minimum wage law in the country won’t be easy. But when we build power together, we can win transformational change. Register now!


In solidarity,


Tal Frieden, 

Raise Up NY Campaign Coordinator