
Today is the 47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. But after 47 years of reproductive freedom, we are dangerously close to losing the right to choose.

The anti-choice movement has spent decades installing extreme politicians who share their values in state legislatures, Congress, and the White House. As a result of their efforts, we now have a far-right Supreme Court led by Trump nominees who were deliberately chosen because of their hostility to abortion rights.

It is critical we continue to build a strong movement to protect choice in our government and in the streets.

That's why today, on the anniversary of Roe, we're asking you to split a donation between Eddie Mauro and Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

There are currently dozens of cases making their way to the Supreme Court that could be used to completely overturn the right to choose. And that's not by accident.

Ever since Roe was decided, the far-right, anti-choice movement has spent every day, every year, and every election working to overturn the decision.

They've elected politicians at every level who share their agenda -- and not just to the presidency. Hundreds of bills have been introduced over the last decade to restrict reproductive freedom and even completely ban all abortions.

Anti-choice state legislators pass these bills, knowing they'll be challenged in the courts.

And the courts? They've taken over them, too.

Mitch McConnell blocked President Obama from filling over 100 judicial seats before the end of his presidency -- including a Supreme Court seat. Now McConnell, Trump, and Joni Ernst have been rushing through anti-choice judges who they know will side with them including two Supreme Court justices.

Now, with the recently proposed anti-choice constitutional amendment in Iowa, they are on the brink of overturning Roe. We can't sit on the sidelines of this fight anymore.

Rush a donation right now to help elect Eddie Mauro to protect reproductive rights and support Planned Parenthood Action Fund's efforts to fight attacks on choice.


Team Mauro


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