From Entertainment Community Fund <[email protected]>
Subject RSVP to our Upcoming Western Region Workshops, Groups and Seminars
Date February 23, 2023 4:30 PM
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All our workshops are free and confidential, and now online!

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The Entertainment Community Fund offers a broad spectrum of online and phone programs to support the unique, essential needs of all who work in entertainment and the performing arts. Learn more and register for free workshops and services pertaining to The Career Center ([link removed]) , Financial Wellness ([link removed]) , Health & Health Insurance ([link removed]) , Housing ([link removed]) and Social Services ([link removed]) .
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** Money Matters: It's Tax Time! Be Prepared Not Panicked

** Thursday, March 2, 4–5:30 pm PT

Is tax season the most stressful time of year for you? Having access to accurate information and the right resources can make a world of difference. Join the Entertainment Community Fund Financial Wellness Program and Ronnie Steadman, E.A., of Steadman & Associates, for this practical, informative webinar sharing information and resources to support entertainment professionals during tax season—and beyond! Ronnie will share his insights as a performer and a professional tax preparer.

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** The Career Center

The Career Center offers a comprehensive suite of online programs and services that help entertainment industry and performing arts professionals to identify and find sideline work and discover new careers outside the industry.

Get started by attending The Career Center Orientation (Monday ([link removed]) * or Wednesday ([link removed]) session) to enroll in the career services offered. Once you've done that, you can enroll in workshops including Job Search Seminar, Unit 1: Personal Branding ([link removed]) * and Creative Career Storytelling: Engaging Your Audience ([link removed]) *.

The Alex Dubé Scholarship Program supports the education of dancers to build their next professional platforms. Eligible dancers enrolled in accredited degree programs can receive up to $10,000 to assist with tuition payment as they take the next step forward in their careers. Applications are currently being accepted. Learn more about how to apply ([link removed]) .

*Time listed in Eastern Time
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** Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness online workshops and seminars increase your financial knowledge and help you learn the tools and skills to support lifelong financial health and stability.

Take Intro to Financial Wellness (Tuesday ([link removed]) * or Thursday ([link removed]) session) to learn the basics of financial wellness.

Additional workshops include Managing Debt for Creative Professionals ([link removed]) * and Managing Student Loans for the Creative Professional ([link removed]) *.

*Time listed in Eastern Time
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** Health & Health Insurance

The Entertainment Community Fund offers personalized health insurance counseling and enrollment support via Entertainment Health Insurance Solutions ([link removed]) , referrals to health care resources, seminars on how to best care for yourself and more.

Attend Every Artist Insured California ([link removed]) for help understanding the Affordable Care Act and clear, step-by-step guidance on what your Covered California options are and how to get the most affordable coverage.

Health Insurance HQ ([link removed]) provides an update on the health care landscape from the expert team at the Entertainment Community Fund’s Artists Health Insurance Resource Center (AHIRC). View previous Health Insurance HQs here. ([link removed])
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** Housing

The Entertainment Community Fund operates several affordable housing residences across the country, including The Palm View in West Hollywood ([link removed]) , and also offers online resources to help you learn more about affordable housing opportunities and other housing-related issues you may encounter.

Our available workshops include Affordable Housing for Seniors in LA ([link removed]) .

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** Social Services

With respect and understanding, our professional social workers offer our community help to address a wide array of challenges via online and phone counseling and support groups ([link removed]) , education and practical help—completely free of charge.

Our offerings include Self-Care for Women in Entertainment ([link removed]) , Advance Care Planning for Professionals in Entertainment ([link removed]) * and Thriving with the Entertainment Community Fund for Black Identified Professionals ([link removed]) *.

*Time listed in Eastern Time
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to help those in need in performing arts and entertainment.

© 2022 Entertainment Community Fund is a U.S. registered charity EIN #13-1635251
NY: 212.221.7300 | LA: 323.933.9244 | Chicago: 312.372.0989
** [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
| 800.221.7303

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