Opening doors: Alcohol Change UK’s national conference is just one week away.  

Don’t worry, there’s still time to sign up! 

We talk a lot these days about a “no wrong door” approach to support. It’s the idea that wherever someone turns up in the system – mental health, substance use, housing, social services – they’ll get the help they need for the issues they’re facing; and that includes issues that could be described as complex, such as co-occurring alcohol use and mental ill-health. 

Knocking on one service provider’s door is supposed to be all that’s necessary. But what if every door seems to be shut?  

Alcohol Change UK’s conferences are focused on helping people develop practical approaches to real-world issues. Opening Doors will be an opportunity to find out more about how your service can adapt and develop to better meet more people’s needs. 

Book your ticket now for Alcohol Change UK’s national conference
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