Dear John

Thanks a lot if you answered our questions about plans to change UK environmental laws.

Over 6,000 of you shared your thoughts about the Retained EU Law Bill and its impact on protections for people and the environment. That's lots of you!

And you gave us loads of useful insights. Here’s some of what you told us.
These are the 3 areas you're most worried about when it comes to weakened laws protecting the environment.
  1. River pollution 
  2. Wildlife protection
  3. Rules about where developers can build
More than half of you are most worried about the bill’s impact on river pollution.

That's really useful insight – knowing what worries you most will help us reach even more people who share your concerns.

Our updated environmental protections petition now underlines the risk the bill poses to our rivers and seas. 

If you know anyone who cares deeply about protecting our rivers from pollution, could you share the petition and ask them to sign too?

Over 70% of you are extremely worried that thousands of legal protections could be changed or removed by 2023 if the bill is passed. 

And even more of you – over 80% – are extremely worried that ministers could be granted sole power to decide.

So we’ll make sure to shine a light on this specific part of the plans. Because clearly it matters to many of you – ministers shouldn’t be the only ones allowed to decide which of our laws are kept, amended or dropped.

We've already made a start by contacting members of the House of Lords and working with them to propose changes to the bill.

Let's keep on telling our MPs we need them to be our voice in parliament. Decisions over the rules that protect our environment shouldn't be made behind closed doors.
This bill could hugely impact all of us. But over a third of you hadn’t seen anything in the news about it at all.

Although there's been a drip feed of news coverage, I'm not surprised you haven’t seen much about it.

But given the scale of the threat, it’s clear we need to keep shouting about it as loudly as possible.

If you want to get the word out, you could write to your local paper. Or just chat to friends and people in your local area about what’s at risk.
And if you’re not getting enough from the news here’s our article about what’s at risk with the Retained EU Law Bill. Please share it far and wide if you want to help us spread the word.

Many of you also asked for more information when we ask for your support to protect environmental laws. This article digs even deeper into the policy of the government’s new bill if you're after more detail.
And finally – these are the words lots of you used to describe your feelings about this bill, and the potential loss of thousands of protections.
That sums up my feelings pretty well too.

But there are thousands of us across the UK standing up against these terrible plans. Together all of us are stronger.
Thanks again for taking the time to answer our questions and share your worries about this bill.

Lots of what you told us will be really helpful in shaping the future of our campaign. 

And just one last thing. Over 50% of you said you'd use a search engine to find out more about this issue.

If you're having trouble finding the information you need, remember to search for the (not-exactly-catchily-named) "Retained EU Law Bill".

All the best,

Campaigner, Friends of the Earth
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