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Issue 1,679: February 23, 2023  

Preorder today! Laminated versions of CDC’s 2023 immunization schedules will ship in early March.

Immunize​.org’s laminated versions of the 2023 U.S. child and adolescent immunization schedule and the 2023 U.S. adult immunization schedule are available for preorder and will ship in early March.
While the schedules are available online from CDC at no cost, Immunize​.org’s printed, laminated schedules are ideal for use in any busy healthcare setting where vaccinations are given. Their tough coating can be wiped down, and they’re durable enough to stand up to a year's worth of use.
In 2023, the length of each schedule with appendices is 12 pages. The laminated schedules are published in a standard 8.5” X 11” booklet format. The adult schedule includes a bonus page with’s popular 1-page handout summarizing the dose, route, and needle size recommendations for all vaccines and recipients. 


With color coding for easy reading, our laminated schedules replicate the original CDC formatting, including the essential tables and notes.

1 copy: $10.00
2–4 copies: $9.50 each
5–19 copies: $8.50 each
20–99 copies: $7.50 each
100–499 copies: $6.00 each
500–999 copies: $5.00 each
1,000–1,999 copies: $4.00 each
2,000+ copies: $3.25 each

Visit the Shop Laminated Schedules web page to view images of all the pages, to download the order form, and to order today!

For additional information, call 651-647-9009 or email [email protected].

Related Links

Order Immunize​.org’s child, adult, and lifetime immunization record cards—wallet-sized, designed to last!

Immunize​.org's personal immunization record cards, printed on rip-proof, smudge-proof, water-proof paper, are designed to last a lifetime. They fit in a wallet when folded. The record cards are for you to give to your patients as a permanent personal vaccination record and are sold in boxes of 250.

Order Immunization Record Cards

Make bulk purchases and receive quantity discounts. For quotes on larger quantities or customizing, or to request sample cards, call 651-647-9009 or email [email protected].

Editorial Information

Kelly L. Moore, MD, MPH
Managing Editor
John D. Grabenstein, RPh, PhD
Associate Editor
Sharon G. Humiston, MD, MPH
Writer/Publication Coordinator
Taryn Chapman, MS
Courtnay Londo, MA
Style and Copy Editor
Marian Deegan, JD
Web Edition Managers
Arkady Shakhnovich
Jermaine Royes
Contributing Writer
Laurel H. Wood, MPA
Technical Reviewer
Kayla Ohlde
About IZ Express
Immunize​.org welcomes redistribution of this issue of IZ Express or selected articles.
When you do so, please add a note that Immunize​.org is the source of the material and provide a link to this issue.

No part of this issue of IZ Express was produced using government funds. The views expressed here are those of the Immunize​.org and do not represent the official views of any government agency, including agencies of the federal government.

IZ Express Disclaimer
ISSN: 2771-8085

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