Trump paid for it all. Greatness in action.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

WATCH: President Trump Delivers Truckloads of Water, Food to East Palestine After Train Derailment to Huge Crowds
While President Biden is focused on Ukraine, President Trump is delivering water to the people of East Palestine, Ohio. Trump paid for all of the water. President Trump is the peoples president. #Trump2024! Scroll down and watch.

Tens of ...

Georgia Grand Jury Forewoman Emily Kohrs Threatens Case with Lunatic Interviews
In their continuing coup on the American system of governance, Democrats are upending the legal system in order to keep Donald Trump, the people's President, off the ballot. Whatever your political stripe,the idea that the controlling party will ...

Biden Stumbles, Falls While Boarding Air Force One
Clown show. However low your expectation is for this mental patient, he manages to go lower.The leaders of China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and every other American adversary on earth, must all be shaking in their shoes at the sight of President ...

Supreme Court Upholds Arkansas Law Opposing Boycott of Jews (BDS)
Victory! #BDSDefeat!

A significant victory today as the US Supreme Court refuses challenge to Arkansas anti-BDS law

— Christians United for Israel (@CUFI) February 21, 2023

A ...

BIDEN’S FIASCO: Putin Pulls Out Of New START Treaty, Last Nuclear Arms Control Treaty With USA
Despite Biden's colossal blunders, he has refused to suggest peace talks.

REPORTER: “…Any reaction to Putin pulling out of New START [nuclear treaty]?”

BIDEN: “I don't have time…”

Related: WWIII: China’s President Xi ...

Media Says Americans Should Just Skip Meals To Cut High Grocery Bills
Democrats want you miserable, poor and hungry. Who votes for this?

This is the left's economy of scarcity replacing American's economy of abundance.

WSJ Suggests Americans Skip A Meal To Save Money- No Joke!

By: Erica Carlin, Liberty ...

Federal Employees Say Forcing Them Back Into The Office Endangers The Planet
This is where your hard earned taxpayer dollars go – to these sloths. They should all be fired. Clearly, they are not needed. The US government is the nation's largest employer. It's obscene.

Federal Employees Say Forcing Them Back Into The ...

Biden Gives ANOTHER HALF A BILLION DOLLARS To Ukraine, $0 To Ohio
That's over 80 billion American taxpayer dollars to a corrupt money laundering dictatorship. NOTHING to the sick, the struggling  in toxic Ohio. Biden should stay in Ukraine and run for office there.

Biden Gives $500M In Aid To Ukraine, $0 To ...

BIDEN’S APPEASEMENT: Iran’s uranium processing has almost reached nuclear weapons-grade purity
According to International atomic inspectors Iran is enriching uranium at 84 percent. To create a nuclear weapon, uranium must be enriched at 90 percent. Under President Trump Iran never enriched above 60 percent. The Biden Administration came into ...

In Munich, China slapped away America’s outstretched hand
The Biden Administration does not understand that appeasement will not moderate brutal regimes. It emboldens and empowers them. The Biden Administration's policies of appeasement vis-à-vis China and Iran are totally destabilizing the world. ...

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