Friend --

Sunday's Rage Against the War Machine demonstration in Washington, DC was a magnificent beginning of a new dynamic in this nation, where Americans put aside their differences, to unite for the good of humanity.? I was honored to have been among the invited speakers at this historic event, which was attended by over 3000 people, and you can watch my speech here.

The entire rally is here:??

**Note, the video is missing the first couple speakers, including Max Blumenthal, Garland Nixon, and the introduction by Nick Brana, Chair of the People's Party and Angela McArdle, Chair of the Libertarian Party
The rally speeches are broken down here:
0:33?Dan McKnight
7:57?Diane Sare?
15:00?Tara Reade
18:35?Jackson Hinkle
25:45?Dr. Jill Stein
35:09?Gerald Celente
43:56?Dan Cohen?[Music]?
1:39:39?Scott Horton?
1:49:11?Ann Wright?
1:53:02?Craig Pasta Jardula?
2:01:10?Wyatt Reed?
2:07:49?David Swanson
2:15:52?Jos? Vega -- [go to 2:13:49 to hear the introduction to this presentation]
2:19:22?Anya Parampil
2:27:50?Daniel McAdams
2:31:50?Dennis Kucinich
2:47:27?Tulsi Gabbard
2:57:16?Dr. Ron Paul

Schiller Institute activists joined with Code Pink and other groups to visit the offices of dozens of? Congressmen and Senators. (see below) Please call your representatives today and demand that they stop funding weapons for Ukraine, and support negotiations, such as those the Vatican has offered to host.? Also, demand hearings on the sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipelines which investigative journalist Seymour Hersch reveals was ordered by President Biden and his inner circle.? This is an act of war against Russia and our supposed NATO ally Germany, and the Congress was neither consulted nor informed. Thursday, Feb 23, the Schiller Institute is having a major conference on this matter at 1:00 pm EST. Tune in at



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