We’re gearing up for a fight, John.
As we speak, power-hungry politicians and their special interest friends are working to dismantle much of our movement’s success. In state legislatures and in courtrooms – soon even in our nation’s highest court – special interests have launched a coordinated attack on democracy.
I’m here to promise you RepresentUs will actively fight back to protect our progress as only we can.
Will you renew your support for 2023 today to help push back on this coordinated attack? Join the Common Wealth community by starting a monthly donation now and provide the reliable resources we need to fight for the long term.
The reason our opponents are escalating their campaign against democracy is that we’re winning.
On one side, we have corrupt politicians and special interests. On the other side, we have people from all backgrounds, ways of life, and political parties coming together to get government working for the people again.
State by state, our pro-voter campaigns are showing that there’s a better way to choose our leaders. This scares the powers that be into taking even more extreme actions to hold on to their power.
They’re really, truly afraid of you and me. Let’s flex on them. 💪
Show them they’re right to be nervous about our movement. Renew your support for 2023 by starting a monthly commitment to RepresentUs today. When you do, you’ll join the Common Wealth community and show how strong our movement is.
Last week, we asked the RepresentUs community to take a pledge to defend our victories. We’re serious about using our resources and expertise to push back on this effort wherever we’re needed.
We have a solid game plan to fight back. We know that when the time comes we’ll rise to the occasion. Wherever this fight takes us we know we have the strength of the RepresentUs movement behind us.
Casey Shea Content Director RepresentUs |