For Immediate Release: Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Contact: Tom Zawistowski,



Giving Jan 6th Video Exclusively to Tucker Carlson

is NOT in the Public Interest

Akron, OH: Today, Tom Zawistowski, President of the Ohio based national We the People Convention (WTPC) organization, expressed indignation that Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy gave FoxNews Host Tucker Carlson exclusive access to the 14,000 hours of January 6, 2021 video that has been withheld for over two years after the WTPC and True the Vote had requested a non-exclusive copy over a month ago. Zawistowski is demanding that his organization and all other media be given immediate access to the video.

Zawistowski said, “While we are thrilled that, finally, the thousands of hours of security video from the Capitol on January 6, 2021 have been released after two years of being, in our opinion, illegally withheld from the America People, we are greatly disappointed that House Speaker McCarthy would use these historic videos in such a blatantly partisan manner. We don’t think it is legal for Speaker McCarthy to release these videos, which are the property of the American people, to only his most favored news outlet and we are demanding that our organization, and others, be given immediate access to all the videos as we requested in writing on January 23, 2023 in a letter to Congressmen Jim Jordan, Warren Davidson, and Thomas Massie.” 


Zawistowski added, “In our letter on January 23, 2021 we, along with our partner True the Vote, made it clear that it would take significant technical resources to host, analyze, and make available to the American people thousands of hours of video in a way that could be insightful and helpful toward understanding what actually happened on that historic day. Our plan is to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) search tools through which we would crowdsource the analysis of the video using the thousands of researchers who are already trained to use the system launched by True the Vote last fall. Once we have possession of the video we would make it available to the political prisoner defense teams, any media outlets, and to the general public to investigate whatever part of the January 6th video in which they have an interest. We will keep pushing until we get our copy of the video and we hope that other organizations and media will do the same.”



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