Congressman Chip Roy has been hard at work fighting for the American people.

We wanted to make sure you didn't miss some of the recent headlines on Chip's progress in Congress.

Please take a look below and spread the word!

--Team Chip 

Wall Street Journal Op-Ed: A Healthy Budget Makes for a Strong Military

"As Congress prepares for a spending fight over the debt ceiling, some Republicans are speculating that conservatives will have to sacrifice national defense if they want to balance the budget, leaving the U.S. vulnerable to China. Nothing is further from the truth. But a robust defense policy does require restoring the nation’s fiscal health."

- Chip Roy in his latest op-ed from the Wall Street Journal

Daily Signal: Chip Roy Demands Answers on CDC’s New Database to Monitor Why Americans Didn’t Take COVID-19 Vaccine

House Republicans have sent a letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, demanding answers about a new classification system that allows the CDC to record the reasons why Americans refused to take one of the COVID-19 vaccines.

“Naturally, we are concerned about the federal government gathering data on Americans’ personal choices—data that serves no sincere purpose in treating patients’ medical conditions—and how it may be used in the future,” the Republican lawmakers, led by Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, wrote.

Washington Examiner: Chip Roy introduces bill to defund WHO over CCP praise and promotion of abortion

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) has introduced a bill that would put a stop to federal funding of the World Health Organization, with the congressman citing the WHO's promotion of abortion and gender ideology, as well as praise of China during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act states that, if enacted, "the United States may not provide any assessed or voluntary contributions to the World Health Organization."

PBS: Texas Rep. Chip Roy on the agenda of the GOP’s House majority

House Republicans have been busy on Capitol Hill launching some of their top agenda items of the year. Just this week they kicked off committee hearings into the Biden administration's handling of the southern border and have been navigating talks with the White House on addressing the debt limit. Rep. Chip Roy of Texas joined Amna Nawaz to discuss the GOP's top priorities.
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The Blaze: Chip Roy gets Dem Rep. Maxine Waters to denounce her own words

Rep. Chip Roy successfully managed to get Rep. Maxine Waters to contradict herself during a tense exchange last week.

Hannity on FOX: Rep. Chip Roy on the Border Crisis

Congressman Chip Roy shares why we need to secure the border to keep Americans and migrants safe from cartels and deadly drug traffickers.

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Daily Caller: Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Remove Diversity Officers From Pentagon

Rep. Chip Roy of Texas has drafted a new bill that would eliminate diversity leadership positions within the Pentagon.

The bill, titled “Restoring Military Focus Act,” would nix the positions of Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer and Senior Advisor for Diversity and Inclusion and ban funds for the creation of similar positions at the Department of Defense.


Varney: Biden's big government spending 'out of step' with America: Rep. Chip Roy

House Judiciary Committee member Rep. Chip Roy slams Biden's spending plan as the 'dangerous' border crisis worsens on 'Varney & Co.'
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Kudlow: Chip Roy on the Debt Ceiling

Rep. Chip Roy speaks with Larry Kudlow on Fox Business about how to return to pre-Covid spending levels and rein in government excess.
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Life News: Chip Roy Wants to Repeal Law Biden Exploited to Try to Put Mark Houck in Prison

Congressman Chip Roy wants to repeal a federal law that the Biden administration exploited to try to put pro-life father Mark Houck in prison.

Houck was facing bogus charges that he violated the federal FACE law when he was helping women outside an abortion center.

Fox News: Rep. Chip Roy slams Democrat judge who said it's racist to describe border crisis as an invasion

Rep. Chip Roy of Texas on Wednesday slammed a Democratic judge for suggesting that anyone who described the border crisis as an invasion was racist.
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