Dear Members and Associates,
This Sunday, 4pm, at The Central Hillside Community Center (12 E 4th St, Duluth) is our annual meeting. This is our most important meeting of the year. I strongly encourage everyone to attend.
Our number one item of business is to elect a new steering committee. All positions are up for a new vote every year. You can nominate yourself, or nominate someone else. We need new people to step up to leadership roles. This is what keeps organizations vital, growing, diverse, and lively.
The positions include 5 at large steering committee members, one treasurer and one secretary. Detailed descriptions can be found in the bylaws at this link. The main duty is to meet the Sunday before the regular meetings and set the agenda. Additional duties include handling disputes, small spending decisions, and other between-meeting small decisions that come up.
Please make sure your dues are up to date. If you are unsure you can ask me. DSA is encouraging everyone to switch to a monthly donation for those who can manage it. They will send us 20% of those dues. Your dues have helped us in other ways as well. Our delegate Lydia had her airfare and hotel stay for the convention completely covered. Here is a link to renew your dues.
If you are short on funds but want to join, DSA has a "no one is turned away" policy. We can sponsor an annual membership in that case.
In addition to electing our steering committee we set our central issues for the coming year.
Here's the full agenda:
1. Introductions
2. Bernie report . -- standing electoral committee proposal, Feb 6 Concert
3. Housing Justice report
4. Proposal for membership committee
5. Climate Mobilization report
6. Education report
7. Phone calling results
8. Steering Committee election
9. Review yearly priorities.
See you soon!
In Solidarity
John Krumm, Secretary
Twin Ports DSA