Unique to the Gospel of John are the “I Am” statements of Jesus. From “I am the bread of life” to “I am the vine,” each statement invites deeper curiosity about who Jesus is.
During the seven weeks throughout Lent, RfA board members and chaplains will reflect on the implications of these statements. This devotional series builds to daily reflections during Holy Week where queer RCA folks will respond to each statement. “If Jesus says he is the gate, what does that mean if I am in the closet?”
Beginning on February 26, you can find these weekly (daily during Holy Week) devotionals on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @RoomforAllRCA, on our website by clicking the purple box below, or right here in your inbox.
Click here to follow the Lenten devotionals ([link removed])
Don't forget to register for this workshop aimed at answering all your questions about coming out: who is doing it? Why? How can I support them? And more! This session is not recorded, and you can even leave your camera off if anonymity it helpful for you.
RegisterHERE. ([link removed])
You only have a few more days to make sure your opinions are heard! Take the RfA Community Survey ([link removed]) now!
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